
Monday 30 September 2019

Wildberger on Chromogeometry

Chromogeometry is a quite beautiful development from rational trigonometry.

If you are wondering what an Euler line is, it is a definition of a remarkable property of any triangle explained by Wildberger in this short video. It is that in any triangle, the orthocenter, the centroid and the circumcentre are colinear and they divide the line in the ratio 2:1.

At 28 minutes 45 there is a cute characterization of an ellipse in terms of four foci and four directrices. Recall this interesting way to look at the stability of sequences representing numerical solutions to things like the logistic equation (see The Weirdest Math Video You'll See Today):

See this excellent video

Then watch this, particularly the bit about eigenbases at 13 minutes 3 seconds.

At 42 minutes 57 seconds Wildberger talks about the groups associated with these three covariant geometries in the same vector space.  See:

See this video on fields, which are in some sense pairs of groups, with a linking relation (distributivity) between their operators. In particular, see the part at 5 minutes 53 seconds on finite fields, prime fields and Characteristics.

Now see this lecture on abstract vector spaces, which are in some sense pairs of groups, one of which is a commutative group of vectors, and the other of which is a field, which as we saw above, is itself a pair of groups. A vector space also has a linking relation between the group operators, which is associativity.

If we relax the condition of multiplicative inverses then the field becomes a ring, and we  have a more general abstract space called a module. See in particular the example at 3 minutes 54 seconds, where the module is the set of real 3-vectors, and the scalar ring is the set of linear transformations of that space.

Now watch this video, which shows how an algebraic "language" called an Iterated Function System, or IFS can give a geometrical interpretation of the real numbers in the open unit interval.

There are some interesting connections here with Asymmetric Numeral System or ANS Encoding. See Asymmetric numeral systems, which gets us to probabilistic models of numerical computation which have potential as a foundation for numerical methods for solving differential equations.

At 45 minutes 41 seconds there is a question about chromogeometry in three dimensions. An interesting place for ideas on this would be Charles Dodgson's book An Elementary Treatise on Determinants: With Their Application to Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraic Geometry, chapter VII in particular:

See from 9 minutes 4 seconds and from 14 minutes 40 seconds for an explanation of polarity, and a way of calculating tangent points to conics.

Here is another geometrical characterization of the open unit interval, called the Stern-Brocot tree, which also associates a rational to every string of symbols from an alphabet of two elements.

Here is another way to define the Stern-Brocot tree as a sequence with the successive terms defined by an Iterated Function Sequence.

The Stern-Brocot tree has a very neat characterization as an iterated transformation of contraction mappings characterized by 2x2 matrices of positive integers. These matrices each have a determinant of 1 and correspond to triangles of area one half.

This construction seems to be enough to get chromogeometry off the ground.

See from 5 minutes 37 seconds of this video on units in a ring, which gives the example of 2x2 matrices with integer entries

Then see this video on harmonic conjugate ratios:

... and some interesting properties which are connected with the Golden ratio phi and the Stern-Brocot tee:

I'll try and explain better what I mean tomorrow, but it is a connection between multiplication and addition which allows one to express solutions to an equation like n=n+1 in a useful way. It is the "nagging issue" Wildberger talks about at 33 minutes 41 seconds and which Jean-Yves Girard calls The Skeleton in the Closet. This theorem of the cross-ratios is, I think, the essence of proposition 16 of Euclid book V: Proportionals Alternate.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Poetic Physics

This is brilliant! ❤️💓💕

Rock 'n Roll

How Not to Deal With Space Junk

The gravitational vacuum cleaner part of this idea is good. I don't think much of the idea of incinerating it with a laser. This orbiting junk-yard should be operated by robots and mechanical avatars controlled from the earth, repairing satellites and relaunching them, and they should be constructing a platform where heavy industry can be done in orbit. The project should be a global cooperative effort. See Near Earth Asteroid Ideas Shifting ...This Is What We Should be Thinking About and Near-Earth Asteroid Apophis.

See Somebody Is Telling me to Chill Out. Also

Saturday 28 September 2019

Tilt Five AR Holographic Display Update

See Tilt Five AR Holographic Display and the Tilt Five Kickstarter Page.

On data visualisation applications, see Visualising Geometry. See also

... and this talk by Jeri:

At 4 minutes 28 seconds Jeri is illustrating this problem, graphically!

Somebody Is Telling me to Chill Out

One of Genghis Khan's descendents, ... I must be fairly seriously stressed!

I'm going to watch this film now, and shut up for a while. It seems to have Spanish subtitles, by the way.

Actually, I could only watch 12 minutes, because people glamorising poverty with  lush images and classy cinematography is gross. This film misses the point entirely. I'm now even more pissed off than I was before I saw it.

I think this film is a rationalization:

A human being is not a body that can be isolated from their environment. We are an embodied mind only in the sense that our minds are connected as one coherent whole through our environment. Of course this makes it very difficult for us to be able to say what happiness really is, and when asked to do it, we can only recount isolated instances where we were particularly intensely aware of or personal sense of well-being. But that is not essentially human nature, that is animal nature. This is a better representation of human nature, in my considered opinion.

And this is a better representation of an individual human being:

Now some illiterate fucking freemason is probably saying "He expects us all to live like that?" I do not. See In Ethiopia's South Omo It Hasn't Rained for Five Years. So I repeat: Fucking Wake Up! Right Fucking Now!

Mosfilm Must be Doing Something Interesting

They have a 34 Ha. studio complex, ...

... and they have Ukraine and the EU, of course ...

1953 Cubes Problem

I wish I had learned Algebra properly, then I could see what the Butcher was doing multiplying seventeen by ten cubed dimished by two cubed. Then I might get an idea about how to more efficiently search for solutions to this equation:

I suppose I should try just imagining cubes made of littler cubes, recursively, and see if I can divide one of them into two pieces which can be represented as cubes made up of littler cubes, recursively, ...

I could draw you a diagram, but my tablet doesn't have a decent graphics app. A picture paints the cube of three cubed diminished by seventeen words, you see, ... So here I am, back at my day job, which is talking crap to myself, ... see For Greta and Helen.

For us, it was the other way around. She touched my body with her perfect mind. That's how I could write something like this without even having to think much about what I wrote, ...

How to Program a Machine

This is how we learned to program computers in 1979. It works! See Michael Steil on Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU.

What we need now is a smallish JavaScript program that will write out a hex file with error-correcting checksums, which can be verified manually and loaded into the first-stage boot flash memory of a mobile phone or tablet and provide a basic machine code monitor, see from 1 minute 33 seconds, which can be used to write and load machine code from text representations of one kind or another. It doesn't need to be as fancy as this, with a disassembler, ... see from 5 minutes 8 seconds.

Greta Thunberg at Montreal Climate March

Turnout was over half a million people, ...

Greta's address:

See Greta Thunberg in NYC and Just You Wait and See ...  listen carefully from 6 minutes 43 seconds  maybe you understand better the old woman who dies in this song: Leonard Cohen - The Partisan.

See also Vesti in the Russian Arctic.

There seens to be some sort of policy decision by media to only publish really low-quality audio recordings of anything Greta says. The first time I noticed was when she addressed the House of Commons in London.

I am starting to feel that people are trying to con me again. Here we go again ladies, ... another fucking round, ...

Visualising Geometry

Here are some more potential applications for the Tilt Five AR Holographic Display. The first is getting an understanding of map projections and properties such as equal-area and conformal, and how the projections relate to the globe and oblateness:

The other is seeing how observational astronomy relates the views of the sky to the positions of the objects, be they stars planets, moons, comets, asteroids or artificial satellites. And after watching this, you are unlikely to ever forget which planet lies nearest to the half-way point between the orbit of Pluto and the Sun! 😂

Also, the kinds of GIS interfaces that we could make, .... see How We Use Energy, and imagine what people like Nadieh Bremer will be able to produce when they have a toolkit which allows them to design data visualization techniques which include user-interfaces in 3D space, ...

See On Law Enforcement and Scientific Knowledge.

See What is a user interface supposed to do?Genesis and The THE Multiprogramming System Mk II.

Fucking Google blogger just deleted my paragraph about user interface design because I accidentally scrolled too far up the page, which on Samsung Internet, triggers a reload, and there is no warning that you are going to undo your edits, it just trashes them. This is so stupid! How can we ever make any progress when people's standards are so fucking low?!

Jess Phillips Can't Do Her Job For Threats

They had to disconnect the phone lines in her Westminster office because of the floods of calls, her e-mail is choked with threatening messages, etc. etc. There is actually a technical solution to these problems, but apparently nobody wants to hear about it, ... We need secure communications, people! Ask the people at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory if you don't believe me: Why is Telecommunications Security Important?

See also:

Vesti on Non-standard Economic Indices

Includes the mooonshine index, the bright lipstick index and the dead and wounded cyclists index! 😂

Listen to Hannah Fry on statistical models at 14 minutes 10 seconds:

What's that got to do with Brexit?

How We Use Energy

This composite of NASA images is really shocking, in all sorts of different ways.

Alain Robert on Life

"Instead of surviving, try to live!" 😂😂😂❤️💓💕

Cute Japanese Thing

I'm not sure what this is an ad for, but there's something wholesome and good about it! ❤️💓💕

Vesti in the Russian Arctic

Explaining, amongst many other things, the very curious diet of the pelicans in St. James' Park in London. ❤️

The Reality Checkpoint:

See Housing and Heating in Irkutsk.

Friday 27 September 2019

Bjork - Mutual Core

This is weird and brilliant! ❤️💓💕

I think it's a sort of sequel to this song, which is also beautiful.

Happy Birthday Google

It doesn't seem like such a long time. Thank you for all the right things you've done. ❤️ It can't have been easy, but I don't know of any decision you've made that I would have made differently unnder the same circumstances.

See Google Gigante Tecnologico Celebra 21 Anos.

Steve Mould on Piezoelectricity

Christian, please note:

How are you getting on with that jewellery? What we need to understand is how polarization is affected by applying a charge to the crystal, ...

Then we need to get good at doing stuff like this:

... and this:

Michael Steil on Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU

There was a lot that was "just right" about this little machine made of 3,510 transistors. The only problem with this talk is that he didn't ask "Who in the audience knows the 6502 op-code for LDA immediate mode?"! I feel cheated! *

* It's A2, I think. And don't laugh. T800s don't even know that:


T800 memory error. Terminated at Ox0800.

London Grammar - Wicked Game

Hannah Reid leaves out the last line in Chris Isaac's original, which is great, because it chilled me to the bone when I heard it the first time.

This is just stunning. The full first half of the song is unaccompanied, and it feels like a Negro spiritual.

This song is also beautiful too, and the lighting is a work of genius. Imagine what sort of lighting that designer could produce using a live performance control system based on something like this Tilt Five AR Holographic Display

And imagine what kind of synthesizer controls you could design with it.

Tilt Five AR Holographic Display Demonstration

It looks way better than I imagined was possible. This is seriously impressive! See my earlier post Jeri Ellsworth on Secure User Interfaces.

At 3 minutes 33 seconds "It doesn't have to be action games, it could be board games, ... you know, if you're there and I like blow up your base, I can see it in your eyes." So it would be good for business negotiations and international diplomacy too, Donald! 😂

In this video Jerri gives an idea of the level at which this system was designed. It was at the level of the physics!

Here's Jeri's update. They have raised over US$ 700,000 in a very short time. See Tilt Five Kickstarter Page.

At last mathematicians are going to get decent graphics!

And for more examples of potential applications of this system, see Visualising Geometry and London Grammar - Wicked Game.

David Quintieri on QE

I feel about having left David to die on this hill alone, ... I don't understand this bi-cameral economic mind that the world has invented. To me it just seems insane to go on as if there isn't a gorilla dancing with your girlfriend, but what you can't see can't hurt you, I guess, ... 😅

... Oh, you mean Kim? No, I'm not worried. The gorilla, however, ...

... see:

YouTube Disposition Matrix Ideas

I think they are showing me where Carbine911 got this really stupid idea from: Mass Shootings are Good For Business. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

You need to know a bit more about the world than Hollywood can show you if you want ideas that are worth having. I mean, where do you think Hollywood's ideas come from? Can you people spell stagnant? See Retasking Israel's Defence Industry.

Hillary Clinton on Trump's Backstabbing Diplomacy

He's a fucking bitch, Hilary. Be very, very careful! 😂

See Is this Assange's Problem?

Imran Khan on Pakistan's Fraught Relations with Belicose Indian PM Modi

At 2 minutes 10 secs Kahn speaks of an agenda becoming apparent, which is centred on the autonomy of the disputed territory of Kashmir, which, incidentally, includes Ladakh. See Housing and Heating in Irkutsk.

At 9 minutes, Kahn on the Kashmir curfew and the presence of 900,000 troops: "Look. What is going to happen when the curfew is lifted will be a blood-bath."

And that blood-bath will join with the blood-bath which the Chinese government are creating in Xinjiang, apparently deliberately, in order to make a new theater of terrorist war in central asia. See Russian Iskander-M Targets UAV at Centre 2019 Exercises and this:

I suspect that covert "British interests" are a significant factor in this. I use quotes, because I sincerely doubt that they are the interests of Britain as a whole. See History of Burmah Oil.

It could also involve "American interests": Putin and Modi Talking Defence. And as usual, it's the ordinary people trying to live their lives who bear the brunt of the force.

Within the last year, British "special forces" have been schooling Indian military personnel on the use of social media in "psy-ops". See 77th Brigade (United Kingdom) and Chindits.

See also Orwell in Burma and Robert I Watson and this British Army fundraiser:

See also Interesting Fragment of Early History of the West German Intelligence Agency and Mountbatten and Nehru in India in 1963. The modern-day necessity for this "Great Game" is probably to keep a lid on the opium trade that has been going on for decades: see Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion.

Winston Churchill addressing the US Congress in 1942, the year before the Chindits were formed first time to fight the Japanese in Burma. At 3 minutes 50 seconds, you can see how he was delighted that the US was finally making it a World War, ....

This was filmed on 14th April 1947:

Here is a documentary about Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan after partition in 1947.

Imran Kahn's full speech is available from the UN:

Here's Modi's response. Listen particularly carefully to the bit at 33 seconds. Indian humour! 😅💓💕 I think it's a dig at Mott MacDonald. See this piece written by a MottMac Civil Engineer, and this piece, ghost-written by Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, after he had been hit on the knee by a spent ball!

Retasking Israel's Defence Industry

The systems developed by companies like Rafael could be used far more widely in humanitarian aid and disaster management operations. All we need to do is to make sure that 90% of the money that is currently being directed at military spending is directed towards humanitarian and national emergency response rather than prosecuting illegal wars. How hard can that be?

Vesti thoughtfully posted this video to illustrate. Check out that hydro-foil at 1 minute 28 seconds!

See Housing and Heating in Irkutsk and Israel's Brexit Backstop.

Nick Cave in Washington DC

"Atheism is very very bad for the business of songwriting". At 3 minutes 25 seconds, on writing from the atheist basis that everything ends with empirical truth, Nick Cave says that his writing reaches beyond that. It is abundantly clear to me, since the first time I heard him sing, at Cambridge Folk Festival in 1999, that his writing comes from somewhere beyond that.

Here's another interview with Austin City Limits. On his musical influences: watching The Johhny Cash Show on TV in a small town in Australia, ...

Johnny Cash cover of Nick Cave's The Mercy Seat:

Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds 1985 cover of Wanted Man:

They have a new album being released in a week or so, called Ghosteen ðŸ’€ðŸ‘€

See For Greta and Helen for another angle on this curious psycho-geological phenomenon we are witnessing. Making a whole new world out of the most abundant human resource in the Universe: pain.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Israeli Mass Surveillance in the Middle East

This was aired in January 2011, the start of the Arab Spring demonstrations.

See Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Dies in Saudi ArabiaSnowden on SurveillanceFive Years of War in Yemen and Trump Besieged by Media.

Amazingly NZ investigative journalist Nicky Hager is neither dead nor in prison, as far as I know. He has concentrated on mainly issues relevant to his native New Zealand, but I rather suspect his books will reveal a great deal about the wider world too:

See his web site for more of his writing:
  • Secret Power: New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network, published in 1996, was Hager's first book.
  • Secrets and Lies: The Anatomy of an Anti-Environmental PR Campaign was co-authored with Bob Burton and published in 1999.
  • In August 2011 Hager published Other People's Wars, an investigation into New Zealand's role in the "War on Terror". Using leaked military information, Hager highlights the difference between what New Zealand was told about its role in Afghanistan and Iraq, and what the leaked documents show.
  • In March 2017, Hager and fellow journalist Jon Stephenson published Hit & Run: The New Zealand SAS in Afghanistan and the meaning of honour. The book explored the New Zealand Special Air Service's involvement in Operation Burnham, a retaliatory military raid on two Afghan villages, Naik and Khak Khuday Dad, in Afghanistan's Tirgiran Valley in August 2010.
Look after this guy, please: he's worth half  a dozen Edward Snowdens and a couple of Julian Assanges. He was being fairly seriously harrassed in 2014 however:

Housing and Heating in Irkutsk

Many people in Irkutsk have an extremely bleak prospect ahead of them this winter. This woman will not survive -18° C temperatures without a lot of help from her neighbours. This seems pretty urgent.

You could develop the economy at the same time as solving the everyday practical problems the people face. A friend of mine, Helena Norberg-Hodge has been working on these ideas for over forty years in Ladakh, a remote Himalayan region with a climate that is similar, though not quite as extreme in terms of temperature variations as that in Irkutsk. See Learning from Ladakh  and The Power of Sun.

There are many, many things that can be done to make great improvements in people's lives at very little expense, because they are basically providing them with information and training. What we need to do is to dramatically scale-up the sharing of the results of this research and development. These ideas should also be the basis for assisting displaced people in Syria and elsewhere. We are going to need to get very, very good at managing crises like this, very soon, so we should grab any such learning opportunities with both hands whenever we spot them.

I would add that agricultural land restoration is a huge potential carbon sink which would probably allow us to continue with more efficient fossil fuel use, and we could ultimately have a useful level of sustainable fossil fuel use as a result of careful land management. Agricultural land restoration is also the solution to the flooding in Irkutsk Oblast. See Russian Government is Clearly NOT Taking Climate Change Seriously. The flooding in Spain and Southern France is very likely also a result of degraded agricultural land, and poor land management.

For Greta and Helen

We all have to do it, ...

This is what it is:

... and this is how it works:

See Nick Cave in Washington DC.

Max Blumenthal In Damascus

I think this is little more than an attempt to cover up war crimes. See UN Caim Progress on Syria Peace Plan and UN Syria Peace Process. The same thing is going with Iran and Afghanistan: Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion. It would be good if Max was able to talk to Russian intelligence people in Damascus, to get more background on the elements active in the region. His free use of "Trump Administration" and "The Saudis" as if these were official formally incorporated bodies sounds extremely naive to me. Normally people's naiveté doesn't bother me much, but Max is doing my job for me, and if that is necessary for some reason, then I would like to know why it is thought necessary, and I would prefer someone who gave the impression that they were doing it better than he seems to be doing it. See Fucking Up Idlb, for example. See also Five Years of War in Yemen.

Man, my YouTube disposition matrix is coming with some great shit these days!!! 😂❤️💓💕

Maybe it's because of my circle of associates, ...

I have family connections in the oil industry. OK, they are connections I would much rather I didn't have, but I have visited the tribal areas of Northern Pakistan and Xinjiang, China as well as Indian Kashmir and bandit country in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. See this trip report and that of my companion Mike Norman on that trip. The message my friend Satish Kumar has here is that we are supposed to be changing the world, not just wingeing about how awful it is. See Satish Kumar Talking About Terrorists

Listen to Fox Newshounds Reminiscing about Hearing the BBC play Jackie Wilson in Ireland in 1984

Isn't electronic surveillance great? I can sit here in a US Penitentiary in Bolivia and spy on journalists without violating anybody's first-amendment rights.

... or I can listen to Jackie Wilson himself, ...

... and if I learn to sing this myself? ... would Edward Snowden sing a duet with me?

See Snowden Facing 15 million year sentence in US and Trump Besieged by Media.

Snowden Facing 15 million year sentence in US

Does anybody belive that even the Smithsonian will be around to keep him until then?

Natalia Tsarikova

Cover of Christina Aguilera's "Hurt". What a voice! ❤️💓💕

To see how versatile she is, check out Natalia's YouTube channel.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Putin Goes Full-on Cyberpunk

... with a bunch of flowers for a pretty lady, ...

Lori on My Ruthless Exploitation of Greta Thunberg

Lori is really angry!

... but man, nowhere as angry as this lady! ...

Greta was only saying what I said the first time I heard her speak on this, which was about a year ago. It made me cry to see them leaving this to a child to say. They ruined my life when I got to about 23 years old, she was only 15, ... See Greta Thunberg on World Leaders. But, since I ruined my daughter's life when she was only ten years old, maybe I can persuade her to join in, since she has nothing left to lose, poor little thing! See I Just Got an email From My Daughter.

What really pisses me off is people like George Galloway trying to get Greta to tell that awful fucking joke about trying to reverse the flow over Niagra falls by drinking the water a cupfull at a time, and, ... she's a girl! ðŸ˜‚💓💕 See Amy Goodman Interviews Greta Thunberg.

This is a beautiful song about fate:

The lyrics are in the video description:

Trump Besieged by Media

He sounds remarkably unfazed by this assault. See Joe Biden's Democratic Platform. Interesting comment about the US being almost energy-independent, too. He attributes a part of the motivation behind these impeachment proceedings to be to take attention away from the UN progress, and he also explicitly states that this is just a continuation of the Rusdiagate witch-hunt. See Iranian PM Hassan Rouhani on US/UN Middle-East Peace Process and Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion.

I think this will help him quite a lot: Boris Johnson In Parliament. See also US Cyber Warfare Against Iran.


Snowden may have exposed US Intelligence mass-surveillance to Americans, but to the reat of us, this news was old-hat long before July 2013. Here's an RT report from 2010:

But in 2007 US total surveillance in mainland Britain was the subject of popular movies like The Bourne Ultimatum:

For more on UKUSA and the Special Relationship, see Brits Running the US Federal Reserve. So as you can see, it's far from a one-sided power game being played here. See British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest.

For my contribution to this fiasco: I just offered the world an easy way out: secure communications. See Wikileaks Editor Says Assange Extradition to the US is Life or Death Decision, and Amy Zegart on Cyberwar. But it turned out a bit more complicated than that,like WTC Building Seven, ... "Oh Babe! Then it fell apart. Like it always does ..."

In that shot, "Nikki Parsons" looks uncannilly like Nicola Wynne, who I used to sit in front of in A-Level computer science lessons, and who I really fancied, ... ❤️💓💕 That must have been "Ludlum Sixth Form College".

So Ed, I'm afraid you were in a film-set long, long before I wrote you into "The Sixth Estate": Anti-Tempest Software and Pulp Fiction. But you knew that even before I heard about your "defection" while I was helping a builder lay bricks for the teachers' accommodation in San José de Uchupiamonas. The builder happened to be the grandson of a very well-respected shaman, so I learned quite a bit more than how to mix cement there, ...

So what does this have to do with Trump? Well, I think it might make the impeachment hearing in the Senate, if it happens, one of the most interesting events in American political history, ...

... and certainly a lot more interesting than any of the 2016 Presidential Election debates turned out to be. See The Plurinational Vegetative State of Bolivia ... and to be frank, it's far from obvious to me, right now, that this would do any harm at all to Trump's chances of being elected for a second term, ... in fact, I think it could win him the election, ... but what do I know, ...

Here's Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams. Ron Paul says "It's a mixed bag, because when you get sympathetic with Trump and you praise him, then he goes around and does another thing, ..." But he knows now that he can't get away with that anymore without alienating the people who had the courage to stand up for him.

Trump and Boris Johnson now have to deal with the CIA/Mossad/Saudi/British Intelligence collusion.  And that means dealing with 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing and the Waco TX massacre. See Whitney Webb's How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare. Here's Jason Bermas interviewing Whitney on the story

The UK connection is Epstein's involvement with the Al Yamamah BAE Arms for Oil deals through BCCI and Bear Stearns, involving Prince Andrew and also Mark Thatcher whilst his mother was UK Prime Minister. See this earlier interview at 24 minutes 51 seconds.

See This is Politics?! and Russians Surprised by Their Own Plan to Invade Western Europe. Listen to Whitney at 9 minutes 11 seconds.

Now for some light relief, watch this:

Then listen to Whitney on Terry Reed and US Attorney General William Barr at 14 minutes 50 seconds. Here's Terry Reed's documentary:

At 17 minutes 54 an old friend of mine and Julian's turns up in this story! 😂

At 33 minutes 5 seconds, this Carbine911 system security is unlikely to be any better specified than the Pentagon's cloud-computing systems, is it? See US Department of Defense's "JEDI" Cloud Cyber Security and Huawei's Chief of Security Andy Purdey on US National Security.

See also this:

Maybe Evo Morales should send Trump a couple of pounds of coca leaves to chew on. We have to get into a higher gear now. See Lori on My Ruthless Exploitation of Greta Thunberg and I Just Got an email From My Daughter.

See also Listen to Fox Newshounds Reminiscing about Hearing the BBC play Jackie Wilson in Ireland in 1984.

Iranian PM Hassan Rouhani on US/UN Middle-East Peace Process

He has more faith in Jared Kushner et al's abilities than I do.  But listen to what he says before you decide what I mean by that!

See UN Syria Peace Process and Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion.

Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion

People in Afghanstan are dying as a result of the Russiagate British/American intelligence collusion coverup.

This is because of our inability to make progress on determining what is really going on in CENTCOM. See British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest, and Someone at CENTCOM Doesn't Want the US to Pull Out of Afghanistan. This includes American and British troops in the middle-east: Ron Paul and Daniel MacAdams on Problems in the US Military and Yemen War is NOT Solely British. The Taliban are based in Dohar, Qatar, as are CENTCOM and Al Jazeera: see Head of Documentaries Ingrid Falck to Leave Al Jazeera English and Five Years of War in Yemen. Ingrid Falck had to return to London three months after the Qatar blockade began:
Ingrid Falck, Manager of Documentaries at Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera English, will leave the Channel at the end of July after 9 years at AJE, for family reasons
See Kushner and Bannon Knew About the Qatar Blockade Two Days Before it Happpened. So this is all part of Jared Kushner's secret Middle-East peace process then? Having secret peace processes going on at the same time as the UN pursue public peace processes, and as the Taliban and Chinese pursue private peace processes after the White House peace processes break down seems an awfully complicated way of going about it, doesn't it? And as we go about this process, has anyone given a thought as to the role of the media in intelligence gathering? Or do none of these negotiators use any media sources for intelligence? Because it used to be that media investigations were an important part of the general background information upon which anyone involved in diplomatic negotiations would base their process. Otherwise, how would diplomats know that they were addressing the right issues? See UN Syria Peace Process and US Cyber Warfare Against Iran. I'm truly sorry this so complicated, but that is just how it is when governments carry out their business in secret and never disclose the true motivations behind diplomatic negotiations.  In the case of Afghanistan, it's this:

From 2009:

From 2014:

From 2016:

From 2018:

Now see how this affects the wider region. See Obama's Iran Deal and  Shaking the Genie out of Iran?:
At 6 mins 17 secs, Iranian president Rohani is quoted in Der Spiegel as saying that Iran is the main transit for heroin and other drugs from Afghanistan into Europe.
Tatsächlich ist Iran das wichtigste Transitland für Heroin und andere Drogen, die aus Afghanistan nach Europa geschmuggelt werden. Vor allem aber hat Teheran rund drei Millionen afghanische Flüchtlinge aufgenommen. Angesichts der verheerenden Wirtschaftslage in Iran - maßgeblich eine Folge der US-Sanktionen - wächst im Land der Druck auf die Regierung, eine Lösung für dieses Problem zu finden.
Just imagine the intelligence the Iranian government must have gathered over the past decade and you see why the CIA, MI6 and Mossad have a problem with Iran.