
Wednesday 25 September 2019

Trump Besieged by Media

He sounds remarkably unfazed by this assault. See Joe Biden's Democratic Platform. Interesting comment about the US being almost energy-independent, too. He attributes a part of the motivation behind these impeachment proceedings to be to take attention away from the UN progress, and he also explicitly states that this is just a continuation of the Rusdiagate witch-hunt. See Iranian PM Hassan Rouhani on US/UN Middle-East Peace Process and Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion.

I think this will help him quite a lot: Boris Johnson In Parliament. See also US Cyber Warfare Against Iran.


Snowden may have exposed US Intelligence mass-surveillance to Americans, but to the reat of us, this news was old-hat long before July 2013. Here's an RT report from 2010:

But in 2007 US total surveillance in mainland Britain was the subject of popular movies like The Bourne Ultimatum:

For more on UKUSA and the Special Relationship, see Brits Running the US Federal Reserve. So as you can see, it's far from a one-sided power game being played here. See British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest.

For my contribution to this fiasco: I just offered the world an easy way out: secure communications. See Wikileaks Editor Says Assange Extradition to the US is Life or Death Decision, and Amy Zegart on Cyberwar. But it turned out a bit more complicated than that,like WTC Building Seven, ... "Oh Babe! Then it fell apart. Like it always does ..."

In that shot, "Nikki Parsons" looks uncannilly like Nicola Wynne, who I used to sit in front of in A-Level computer science lessons, and who I really fancied, ... ❤️💓💕 That must have been "Ludlum Sixth Form College".

So Ed, I'm afraid you were in a film-set long, long before I wrote you into "The Sixth Estate": Anti-Tempest Software and Pulp Fiction. But you knew that even before I heard about your "defection" while I was helping a builder lay bricks for the teachers' accommodation in San José de Uchupiamonas. The builder happened to be the grandson of a very well-respected shaman, so I learned quite a bit more than how to mix cement there, ...

So what does this have to do with Trump? Well, I think it might make the impeachment hearing in the Senate, if it happens, one of the most interesting events in American political history, ...

... and certainly a lot more interesting than any of the 2016 Presidential Election debates turned out to be. See The Plurinational Vegetative State of Bolivia ... and to be frank, it's far from obvious to me, right now, that this would do any harm at all to Trump's chances of being elected for a second term, ... in fact, I think it could win him the election, ... but what do I know, ...

Here's Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams. Ron Paul says "It's a mixed bag, because when you get sympathetic with Trump and you praise him, then he goes around and does another thing, ..." But he knows now that he can't get away with that anymore without alienating the people who had the courage to stand up for him.

Trump and Boris Johnson now have to deal with the CIA/Mossad/Saudi/British Intelligence collusion.  And that means dealing with 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing and the Waco TX massacre. See Whitney Webb's How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare. Here's Jason Bermas interviewing Whitney on the story

The UK connection is Epstein's involvement with the Al Yamamah BAE Arms for Oil deals through BCCI and Bear Stearns, involving Prince Andrew and also Mark Thatcher whilst his mother was UK Prime Minister. See this earlier interview at 24 minutes 51 seconds.

See This is Politics?! and Russians Surprised by Their Own Plan to Invade Western Europe. Listen to Whitney at 9 minutes 11 seconds.

Now for some light relief, watch this:

Then listen to Whitney on Terry Reed and US Attorney General William Barr at 14 minutes 50 seconds. Here's Terry Reed's documentary:

At 17 minutes 54 an old friend of mine and Julian's turns up in this story! 😂

At 33 minutes 5 seconds, this Carbine911 system security is unlikely to be any better specified than the Pentagon's cloud-computing systems, is it? See US Department of Defense's "JEDI" Cloud Cyber Security and Huawei's Chief of Security Andy Purdey on US National Security.

See also this:

Maybe Evo Morales should send Trump a couple of pounds of coca leaves to chew on. We have to get into a higher gear now. See Lori on My Ruthless Exploitation of Greta Thunberg and I Just Got an email From My Daughter.

See also Listen to Fox Newshounds Reminiscing about Hearing the BBC play Jackie Wilson in Ireland in 1984.

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