
Saturday 28 September 2019

Somebody Is Telling me to Chill Out

One of Genghis Khan's descendents, ... I must be fairly seriously stressed!

I'm going to watch this film now, and shut up for a while. It seems to have Spanish subtitles, by the way.

Actually, I could only watch 12 minutes, because people glamorising poverty with  lush images and classy cinematography is gross. This film misses the point entirely. I'm now even more pissed off than I was before I saw it.

I think this film is a rationalization:

A human being is not a body that can be isolated from their environment. We are an embodied mind only in the sense that our minds are connected as one coherent whole through our environment. Of course this makes it very difficult for us to be able to say what happiness really is, and when asked to do it, we can only recount isolated instances where we were particularly intensely aware of or personal sense of well-being. But that is not essentially human nature, that is animal nature. This is a better representation of human nature, in my considered opinion.

And this is a better representation of an individual human being:

Now some illiterate fucking freemason is probably saying "He expects us all to live like that?" I do not. See In Ethiopia's South Omo It Hasn't Rained for Five Years. So I repeat: Fucking Wake Up! Right Fucking Now!

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