
Thursday 26 September 2019

Max Blumenthal In Damascus

I think this is little more than an attempt to cover up war crimes. See UN Caim Progress on Syria Peace Plan and UN Syria Peace Process. The same thing is going with Iran and Afghanistan: Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion. It would be good if Max was able to talk to Russian intelligence people in Damascus, to get more background on the elements active in the region. His free use of "Trump Administration" and "The Saudis" as if these were official formally incorporated bodies sounds extremely naive to me. Normally people's naiveté doesn't bother me much, but Max is doing my job for me, and if that is necessary for some reason, then I would like to know why it is thought necessary, and I would prefer someone who gave the impression that they were doing it better than he seems to be doing it. See Fucking Up Idlb, for example. See also Five Years of War in Yemen.

Man, my YouTube disposition matrix is coming with some great shit these days!!! 😂❤️💓💕

Maybe it's because of my circle of associates, ...

I have family connections in the oil industry. OK, they are connections I would much rather I didn't have, but I have visited the tribal areas of Northern Pakistan and Xinjiang, China as well as Indian Kashmir and bandit country in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. See this trip report and that of my companion Mike Norman on that trip. The message my friend Satish Kumar has here is that we are supposed to be changing the world, not just wingeing about how awful it is. See Satish Kumar Talking About Terrorists

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