
Wednesday 25 September 2019

Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion

People in Afghanstan are dying as a result of the Russiagate British/American intelligence collusion coverup.

This is because of our inability to make progress on determining what is really going on in CENTCOM. See British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest, and Someone at CENTCOM Doesn't Want the US to Pull Out of Afghanistan. This includes American and British troops in the middle-east: Ron Paul and Daniel MacAdams on Problems in the US Military and Yemen War is NOT Solely British. The Taliban are based in Dohar, Qatar, as are CENTCOM and Al Jazeera: see Head of Documentaries Ingrid Falck to Leave Al Jazeera English and Five Years of War in Yemen. Ingrid Falck had to return to London three months after the Qatar blockade began:
Ingrid Falck, Manager of Documentaries at Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera English, will leave the Channel at the end of July after 9 years at AJE, for family reasons
See Kushner and Bannon Knew About the Qatar Blockade Two Days Before it Happpened. So this is all part of Jared Kushner's secret Middle-East peace process then? Having secret peace processes going on at the same time as the UN pursue public peace processes, and as the Taliban and Chinese pursue private peace processes after the White House peace processes break down seems an awfully complicated way of going about it, doesn't it? And as we go about this process, has anyone given a thought as to the role of the media in intelligence gathering? Or do none of these negotiators use any media sources for intelligence? Because it used to be that media investigations were an important part of the general background information upon which anyone involved in diplomatic negotiations would base their process. Otherwise, how would diplomats know that they were addressing the right issues? See UN Syria Peace Process and US Cyber Warfare Against Iran. I'm truly sorry this so complicated, but that is just how it is when governments carry out their business in secret and never disclose the true motivations behind diplomatic negotiations.  In the case of Afghanistan, it's this:

From 2009:

From 2014:

From 2016:

From 2018:

Now see how this affects the wider region. See Obama's Iran Deal and  Shaking the Genie out of Iran?:
At 6 mins 17 secs, Iranian president Rohani is quoted in Der Spiegel as saying that Iran is the main transit for heroin and other drugs from Afghanistan into Europe.
Tatsächlich ist Iran das wichtigste Transitland für Heroin und andere Drogen, die aus Afghanistan nach Europa geschmuggelt werden. Vor allem aber hat Teheran rund drei Millionen afghanische Flüchtlinge aufgenommen. Angesichts der verheerenden Wirtschaftslage in Iran - maßgeblich eine Folge der US-Sanktionen - wächst im Land der Druck auf die Regierung, eine Lösung für dieses Problem zu finden.
Just imagine the intelligence the Iranian government must have gathered over the past decade and you see why the CIA, MI6 and Mossad have a problem with Iran.

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