
Friday 27 September 2019

Imran Khan on Pakistan's Fraught Relations with Belicose Indian PM Modi

At 2 minutes 10 secs Kahn speaks of an agenda becoming apparent, which is centred on the autonomy of the disputed territory of Kashmir, which, incidentally, includes Ladakh. See Housing and Heating in Irkutsk.

At 9 minutes, Kahn on the Kashmir curfew and the presence of 900,000 troops: "Look. What is going to happen when the curfew is lifted will be a blood-bath."

And that blood-bath will join with the blood-bath which the Chinese government are creating in Xinjiang, apparently deliberately, in order to make a new theater of terrorist war in central asia. See Russian Iskander-M Targets UAV at Centre 2019 Exercises and this:

I suspect that covert "British interests" are a significant factor in this. I use quotes, because I sincerely doubt that they are the interests of Britain as a whole. See History of Burmah Oil.

It could also involve "American interests": Putin and Modi Talking Defence. And as usual, it's the ordinary people trying to live their lives who bear the brunt of the force.

Within the last year, British "special forces" have been schooling Indian military personnel on the use of social media in "psy-ops". See 77th Brigade (United Kingdom) and Chindits.

See also Orwell in Burma and Robert I Watson and this British Army fundraiser:

See also Interesting Fragment of Early History of the West German Intelligence Agency and Mountbatten and Nehru in India in 1963. The modern-day necessity for this "Great Game" is probably to keep a lid on the opium trade that has been going on for decades: see Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion.

Winston Churchill addressing the US Congress in 1942, the year before the Chindits were formed first time to fight the Japanese in Burma. At 3 minutes 50 seconds, you can see how he was delighted that the US was finally making it a World War, ....

This was filmed on 14th April 1947:

Here is a documentary about Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan after partition in 1947.

Imran Kahn's full speech is available from the UN:

Here's Modi's response. Listen particularly carefully to the bit at 33 seconds. Indian humour! 😅💓💕 I think it's a dig at Mott MacDonald. See this piece written by a MottMac Civil Engineer, and this piece, ghost-written by Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, after he had been hit on the knee by a spent ball!

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