
Saturday 16 November 2019

Law Enforcement and Fiancial Fraud

Got an e-mail from my daughter:

Got an e-mail from Markus G. Kuhn:

Markus, obviously you wouldn't use that bank account to send me funds, would you? I earlier said send funds via Jane Grant, who can send them to the FCO in London, and Jill Benton at the British Embassy in La Paz can send them to Moira here in CBBA, and she did that once, a few weeks ago.

I have not got time to chase financial fraud, because yesterday 109 people were shot with some Russian-made Kalashnikov and eight were killed. See MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo Morales. See also Hong Kong on Fire Again. But you have to read almost everything on my blog, because it's all joined up. Note there are one thousand five hundred and eleven posts since 2nd April 2019, and Bertrand Russell tells me, eighty four, so far, this month, which is November in the Gregorian Roman Calendar, the year beinge that of our lord two thousand and nineteen, if I am not most gravely mistook!

A couple of days ago I asked Samuel Doria Medina, I think, but I can't be sure it was really him, to send me a screenshot, and he said he would be pleased to, and I gave him the URL, with https, my address, written onto Jill Benton's BE La Paz business card, with her private e-mail address and her FCO address, which actually does receive mails from my account she says, but the system blocks them and she can only see the titles. Jill used to work for a company in La Paz called Gravity that was run by an Aussie who also had a microbrew hostel here in La Paz that served really excellent beer, of the quality that Milton Breweries would be proud! Geoff Sandifort at Climbing South America can tell you about them, because Stefan's Cafe Illampu is right next door in the same building, and Rosamaria Ruiz has moved  her office just opposite, in Edificio Abuela, I think. I woyldn't be surprised if she hasn't moved to Plaza Avaroa, because she must be getting on a bit, and what with having been half-eaten by a 5m Cayman a couple of decades ago, she walks with a bit of a limp. Sorry to have to reply publicly like this, but it seems to be where we're at. Was this the problem, maybe?

Or was it some other "O Rose Thou Art Sick" problem? Or are some people still trying to catch up with Eric Liddell? You have to tell me what you know, and what you are trying to do, in order to get a sensible reply from me. Here's my reply to Markus:

Here's my reply to my daugher:

Ahem, he or she please, ... I suspect that is at the root of our problems.

Yes, but gangrene sets in fucking decades before rigormortis, ask Rosamaria if you don't believe me. Wake up you useless bunch of fucking toffs!

God I love you Linda Parker! ❤️💓💕 Bird girl won, Bird Man ...

... see my comment on the video on YouTube:

I should worry whether my real brother Graeme will ever forgive me. This is his favourite movie. I haven't seen it.

This looked relevant:

I know the music well, but I had no mental images for it, until now.

Ask Karen Wilson née Park if she has a copy of that story I wrote about a guy who is dying in the forest and who changes into an albatross and flies from Bolivia to Hove.

...... now I understand this!!! It's brilliant!

See this. God, I would love half a dozen of these boats!

Evo Morales Huevada

Evo, are you sure you followed Estado Plurinacional Computer and Communications System Security Mandatory Minimum Standards for Hygiene when Operating Any Digital Electronic Communications System Connected to Networks Not Maintained exclusively by Estado Plurinacional Certified Individuals?

I think this guy is trying to help you, ... either that, or he's got a recipe for an American Nightmare in A Mexican Salad, ...

See Local Paper Reports Eight dead, 100 Wounded in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Hong Kong on Fire Again

As long you guys are enjoying yourselves as much as we did, and learning stuff, then that's fine by me. See Mz Bat.

... See Local Paper Reports Eight dead, 100 Wounded in Cochabamba, BoliviaMSM Ignoring 45 Dead in GazaExtinction Rebellion Gives People A Purpose in Life. And maybe use Samsung Internet to paste links into Blogger edit windows. I don't know how the fuck they do that. It seems to be psychic!

What a great title for a new album! Almost as good as "Old guys do it ..." and you have to guess the rest, or look up my FaceBook page. Here's what a vevo sampler looks like, and here's a live 2007 version.

See On Effluence and Trying to be Influential.

Reminds me of that Castlemaine XXXX Advert. "Have you been drinking Castlemaine XXXX all your life?, ..." Christ, Phil, you look like you need a beer. Get on a fucking plane to Cochabamba man! I need some more drumming lessons, ... the last two we're great fun. How about a two-week course? And bring both my harpsichord teachers with you, if you can, and their girlfiends, yes, all of them! And bring a body-double, if you like.

See MSM Ignoring 45 Dead in Gaza.

Eduardo Avaroa

Can one of you fucking rotos tell me how I missed this? 🔥💣💩!

See Local Paper Reports Eight dead, 100 Wounded in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Mz Bat

Hey, Mlle Bat, didn't you and I cook up a bit of a shit-storm on Twatter once while you were on your way to Mexico? That's a story I'd love to hear over pizza and a glass of wine one day real soon now!

WTF is it with Blogger and geolocation? Why can't you use the same fucking interface as anyone else? See A Concrete Way to See What Computable Functions Actually Are and Mexico Needs More Hackers, I'm told.

Then see MSM Ignoring 45 Dead in Gaza and Evo Morales in Mexico. Then Hold the Fucking Line you Rotos!

All of you fucking assholes!


See Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens, then see Markus G. Kuhn's comment on Psychological Profile. Google Markus' facebook page and maybe you can contact him: try or and read his paper with Marios O. Choudary, Markus G. Kuhn: Efficient, portable template attacks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol 13, No 2, February ... Google



... I really do. I think we go back a long way, ...


... and I need help with my homework 😥

... and we're putting on an opera in the jungle, ... this is how I recall remembering this song:

See Lori's New Book and Climbing Cabeza de Condor on Condoriri and Alpamayo Chico in the Bolivian Cordillera Real. Well, that has gone, but here's an email and a letter I wrote to Isabel whilst she seemed to be having a hard time and putting a brave face on it, talking bout having her foot amputated because it was so much hassle and getting in the way of her life.

I think she did. She changed her name to e-blitz and became a physiotherapist,  and she lives here in Cochabamba. She said I can call her whenever I need her, but I am scared that some madman will try to kill her if I make contact. Well, that's one possibility, but another is that she died, or I died in other part of the Multiverse and our Kripke frames don't have a common root, etc. etc. etc. So why I do I have to decide this stuff all in my own? Why can't I commmunicate personally and privately with her? See MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo Morales and Evo Morales Huevada.

Local Paper Reports Eight dead, 100 Wounded in Cochabamba, Bolivia

This is a brief statement. It constitutes global bio-geo-terrorism. I am now a terrorist. See Lori on Extraterrestrial Life.

Sorry, but this Samsung/Microsoft phone pretends to be able to recognise faces, but can't rotate pictures of text taken with the camera pointing face-down, not even manually.

Here's the video of Nathan talking about fixpoints and periodicity. Notice the camera/video stream is fecking up with the tape on his ear. I think it's trying to screw around with our brains in some way. Doesn't seem to be working that well, does it Bill? Or maybe it's Nathan trying to show me something about symmetry, or maybe he just used a mic taped to his ear on different days and edited the clips together, or maybe I'm going insane because I'm on cicaine 24 hours a day, .... why should I have to deal with all of these possibilities at once? Why can't I communicate in private with other people?


... and this: secure comms. Fucking everywhere!

Now that's what I a call a fortune cookie.

See Future Contingents on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. And here's a downloadable HD audio version of Orff's Carmina Burana which you can put on a loop and play all night while you sleep. Courtesy of Bridget Hughes who hopefully has a fantastic job at a record company somewhere near Brooklyn. I love you Bridget. ❤️

And I just got a message from Bryony Bartlett née Ward. I love you too fruity, and no, I don't think it was a fluke. It was just the truth in your brain! ❤️

See MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo MoralesMSM Ignoring 45 Dead in Gaza and other stuff I have written about Kalashnikov and videos I've made about drilling people, and mercenary armies, and using sniper rifles for brain surgery. Nik Thomas, I think I'm just catching up with you. See Gianna Nannini - La Differenza. So what the fuck is under the Greenland ice sheet? See Hilary Clinton 2020 and the comment on A Midsummer Night's Dream.

So what is better for business? War or Peace? See A Midsummer Night's Dream. One of the "he" answers we seem, or so it appears to me, to have computed, is that what is better for business is
  1. War and Peace
  2. Pride and Prejudice
  3. Crime and Punishment
This post was brought to you by Jack and Jill Penfold, who run a front for some Women in Black terrorist organisation that I can't remember anything about, but which seems to have left me with an operational effect of some, though I have no idea precisely which kind! ❤️💓💕

See Off to Beg Again, provided that old witch isn't in my spot, ...

MSM Ignoring 45 Dead in Gaza

That's amazing! Are they so keen on impeachment that they're in denial that the poor guy is dead?!

... maybe it was a tornado, ...

... and a house full of Arkansasians landed on him ... zut alors! 

See Indila - Parle à ta Tête.

Note: it's not that I don't care about 45 people dying in Gaza, it's just that I found my caring about people dying in Gaza really didn't seem to do much good for them, and people showed me a new way to fight proxy wars, ...

See The Bigger Truth Behind The Matrix and There's Trouble Down't Dark Satanic Mill! ...

... and Bloomberg Talking Crap on an Astronomical Scale.

... to be continued ...

See All About e and Redacted on Public Banking.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Indila - Parle à ta Tête

... love story:

See Revolution: The Real Deal. This is like throwing your daughter into the river, you know, ...

... she bobs up like a witch would, and she says "You stupid man! Do it again!" So I did.  See Polly on Bolivia. It never ends, we just get better at it and have more fun, and hopefully this time, more pizza! Here's a song about illegal philosophy Laura Pausini wrote just for me:

OK, maybe my daughter wrote the lyrics, ... ❤️💓💕

... because it looks like she just invented a whole new way to compete, by co-operating. Now just imagine how Star Wars would have turned out if, ...

... Lucas hadn't first made American Graffiti ...

For more in Hollywood decision-making, see Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens and this, which is the best film I've seen for a long time:

For my friend Simon Edward Thornton

... because I never had a chance to tell him ...

It's because we were at right-angles, so it wasn't so much "Up and down the M1" as it was "Left and right along the M4", .... See Off to Beg Again.

Hilary Clinton 2020

Have you got the guts Hilary? The Plurinational Vegetative State of Bolivia. If so, let's do it! ❤️💓💕 😂

See On Dust:

On underground law-enforcement, see Evo Morales. But it's going to cost you a few glasses of wine and a lot of pizza! See 2009 Coup D'Etat in Honduras and Cafayate, Argentina. I'm Off to Beg Again. Effluence update:

See Indila - Parle à ta Tête.

For more about securing the Estado Plurinacional with Raspberry Pi, see I'm Still Looking for A Job. For more on time loops, see the original one: Off to Beg Again and Indila - Parle à ta Tête.

But how can something like this evolve naturally?!

Of course! My dear, it sounds to me as though he was inviring (er, inviting!) you to an informal audition for the part of "understudy" to the Doctor's Assistant. Doctor who?! Well, you know, it's all about the birds and the bees, in the end. See Revolution: The Real Deal. Ask Bill and Hilary if you don't believe me.

You know, the predator/prey relationship, clinically known as the fight, fuck or flight response. 🤦 😂❤️💓💕

Off to Beg Again

See On Dust.

... but, ... what does this have to with drugs in The Third World? ...

... oh, but we don't have that problem here, ...

So now you know the Yemeni word for money: it's "Qat" See Indila - Parle à ta Tête

YouTube's New Conditions

Hmm. Well, it is all made for kids, but I don't think it would be a great idea to let any adults see it, without someone who can watch it with them and explain the nuances, because it seems to be above most American, British and South African adults' literacy levels.

And this ought also show that if anyone still thinks I'm the geyzer of shit off the Internet, then they're wrong. I'm the geyser of shit all over the fucking Internet like a cheap suit!

See Keep Talking:

I never understood a fucking word of that song, and I still don't! 🤦😂

On Effluence andTrying to be Influential

See MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo Morales. And, because Cornelia Durrant lives in California, see On Dust.

Christ! Sounds like we need a BandAid for "The Business", Cornelia!

On Dust

See Men Talking Crap and also the bit about time travel in Sylvie and Bruno - A Handbook for Global Revolution. Then read A Letter to A Girlfriend. See also Obamagate is a Thing.

... but make sure where you're leaping is real, not virtual. Ask Andy Hopper what it feels like to get that wrong: See Polly on Bolivia.

See Tilt Five Holographic AR Update. Ask my daughter Helen in Paris to tell you real significance of The Reality Checkpoint on Parker's Piece in Cambridge.

This post was brought to you by the Stichting Greenpeace International and Ewtoo's accountant. Ask Jill Benton at the British Embassy in La Paz what that's all about.

Now just imagine how different the world might've been if Jeri Ellsworth had been CEO of Acorn! 😂😂😂

I think Jeri and I are rocket brothers. ❤️💓💕

Maybe we would understand people better if we knew better what wealth is for? See Young People Talking About Physics and Philosophy.


Well, somebody is happy! 😂❤️

MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo Morales

Imagine this, but instead of "la resistencia", picture soldiers in APCs armed with semi-automatic rifles and orders to shoot to kill.

I made this to try to get some international attention. See Polly on Bolivia.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Polly on Bolivia

Presenting two sides of the story which nobody actually knows, yet. See ICYMI Watching The Bolivia Story Evolve and my comments on the YouTube channel.

We're doin' it!

... everywhere!

Wow! That shit at 9 minutes 33 seconds doesn't scare my mother! 😂 They just put a bunch of video links over the last frame of the mongoose and the spitting cobra, which says "Bite the neck of hatred. Kill the death." For more on "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and The Death, see Evo Morales.

What the fuck kind of rules do you play in this game?

See Polly Boiko Meets a Honduran Milk Snake ...

And who is supposed to follow them?

See Revolution 3, ...

Well, she did sing a song just for me, and I love it, and I still love Laura just as much as ever.

... and I asked her to sing up millions upon millions of human miracles too, and she did that as well. Maybe the email management was a nightmare, but I don't think that's our fault!

See The Vatican Looking Pretty Woke!

See also Satish Kumar on Trees and Miracles and The Human Mind and Evo Morales in Mexico.

Satish Kumar on Trees and Miracles and The Human Mind

Nothing we say, however weird it may at first sound, is insignificant. For example, at 9 minutes 31 seconds Satish says "... what a tree that miracle is".

Now you may think that was just a "slip of the tongue", such as my friend Simon Edward Thornton once made on a video on public speaking by Brian Edwards (who has since changed his name to Brian Woods, for some reason, perhaps because he started a company called TrueVision -- Brian, you'll have to ask Kirsty about that one. 😂❤️💓💕) when he said "... the world falls out of the bottom". Well, in the case of Satish's slip, see Michael Craig-Martin - An Oak Tree (1977) The miracle is the human mind which can make such material transformations in the manner of an alchemist:

Now, Polly and Si, how about interviewing Simon Thornton and getting him to show you the equivalent transformation of his "slip"? See Rich Bastards have Decided to Postpone Global Recession until New Year.

For more on plurality, see: Viva la Revolución!

For more on the distinction between presentation and mere representation, see Proofs and Representations. If you want some help with that, talk to Joan Moschovakis at UCLA, author of this Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Intuitionistic Logic, who knows quite a lot about constructive logic (which is the practical art of creating logicians) and try to interview Peter E Sewell at Cambridge Computer Laboratory, and John Brimacombe and ask them to tell you about women and probability and Imre Lakatos' book Proofs and Refutations. See For H.

... that was a lovely kiss! ❤️

... and the 26 kicks in the ass? Well, they got me off it, and they were fun, in retrospect! 😂❤️💓💕

For more on Roedean and illegal philosophy, see Revolution: The Real Deal and my application for a job: The Jaguar Circuit.

And if you want to make sense of all these Badgers and Herrings and a Cave then look them up in the index: Sylvie and Bruno - A Handbook for Global Revolution.

So, Simon and John, what motivates this slanderous attack on a couple of harmless venture captalists? It's not an attack. It's an offer of a job. I would like you each to consider applying for one of the vacant posts we have for fund-managers in the world's fastest-growing global multinational virtual corporation. See Redacted on Public BankingBloomberg Talking Crap on an Astronomical ScaleSarah Parkin and the UK Green Party and Benjamin Strauss on Impending Catastrophe. I am re-applying for my current job as a computer programmer: I'm Still Looking for A Job. Why reapply? Well, I'm hoping for better pay and conditions: see Renuncío El Evo. I'm also hoping to be able to teach Peter E. Sewell the difference between control and cybernetics, .... and get your kids into some better PJs ...

... good enough for a Russian winter, see Polly Spinning the Wheel of Misfortune ...

... see This Is A Great Business Opportunity and Russian Police Crackdown on Anti Police Corruption Demonstrators. ...

See also this: Tilt Five Holographic AR Update:

See the bit about the Bridal Chamber in Guerilla Logic and see also Lori's New Book. For more on underground architecture, see The Bigger Truth Behind The Matrix.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Leonard Cohen

You did it. See you in the tower of song.

ICYMI Watching The Bolivia Story Evolve

... evolution is a complicated process! 😂❤️ See Russian Government is Clearly NOT Taking Climate Change Seriously and The United Nations' New Temporary Head Quarters.

See Evo Morales in Mexico. Please don't wait until you are sure you know what's going on here before helping me to communicate. It's been six years since I first asked politely for help. See Renuncío El Evo. I repeat: putting on theater shows all over the world is not an effective means of communication. See I'm Still Looking for A Job.

People in Sorata who heard my address from the balcony of the Alcaldea on 6th August 2015 will be amused by this: "Usted descansé. Nosotros lo llevamos a tu destino, ..." Que?!

I am really fucking angry about people's inability to speak to me! Pull yourselves together you assholes! See Sarah Parkin and the UK Green Party

See Revolution: The Real Real Deal and Idiots Making "Important" Decisions.

Ask Cornelia Durrant what I mean when I say that putting on theatre shows all over the world is not an effective means of communication. Ask Satish Kumar who it is that Ian Grant works for, and who his two bosses are, and what his job description is.

Then you'll know what the "nueva empressa" is:

See Economic and Technological Development of La Madre Tierra.