
Saturday 16 November 2019

Local Paper Reports Eight dead, 100 Wounded in Cochabamba, Bolivia

This is a brief statement. It constitutes global bio-geo-terrorism. I am now a terrorist. See Lori on Extraterrestrial Life.

Sorry, but this Samsung/Microsoft phone pretends to be able to recognise faces, but can't rotate pictures of text taken with the camera pointing face-down, not even manually.

Here's the video of Nathan talking about fixpoints and periodicity. Notice the camera/video stream is fecking up with the tape on his ear. I think it's trying to screw around with our brains in some way. Doesn't seem to be working that well, does it Bill? Or maybe it's Nathan trying to show me something about symmetry, or maybe he just used a mic taped to his ear on different days and edited the clips together, or maybe I'm going insane because I'm on cicaine 24 hours a day, .... why should I have to deal with all of these possibilities at once? Why can't I communicate in private with other people?


... and this: secure comms. Fucking everywhere!

Now that's what I a call a fortune cookie.

See Future Contingents on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. And here's a downloadable HD audio version of Orff's Carmina Burana which you can put on a loop and play all night while you sleep. Courtesy of Bridget Hughes who hopefully has a fantastic job at a record company somewhere near Brooklyn. I love you Bridget. ❤️

And I just got a message from Bryony Bartlett née Ward. I love you too fruity, and no, I don't think it was a fluke. It was just the truth in your brain! ❤️

See MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo MoralesMSM Ignoring 45 Dead in Gaza and other stuff I have written about Kalashnikov and videos I've made about drilling people, and mercenary armies, and using sniper rifles for brain surgery. Nik Thomas, I think I'm just catching up with you. See Gianna Nannini - La Differenza. So what the fuck is under the Greenland ice sheet? See Hilary Clinton 2020 and the comment on A Midsummer Night's Dream.

So what is better for business? War or Peace? See A Midsummer Night's Dream. One of the "he" answers we seem, or so it appears to me, to have computed, is that what is better for business is
  1. War and Peace
  2. Pride and Prejudice
  3. Crime and Punishment
This post was brought to you by Jack and Jill Penfold, who run a front for some Women in Black terrorist organisation that I can't remember anything about, but which seems to have left me with an operational effect of some, though I have no idea precisely which kind! ❤️💓💕

See Off to Beg Again, provided that old witch isn't in my spot, ...

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