
Saturday 16 November 2019

Mz Bat

Hey, Mlle Bat, didn't you and I cook up a bit of a shit-storm on Twatter once while you were on your way to Mexico? That's a story I'd love to hear over pizza and a glass of wine one day real soon now!

WTF is it with Blogger and geolocation? Why can't you use the same fucking interface as anyone else? See A Concrete Way to See What Computable Functions Actually Are and Mexico Needs More Hackers, I'm told.

Then see MSM Ignoring 45 Dead in Gaza and Evo Morales in Mexico. Then Hold the Fucking Line you Rotos!

All of you fucking assholes!


See Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens, then see Markus G. Kuhn's comment on Psychological Profile. Google Markus' facebook page and maybe you can contact him: try or and read his paper with Marios O. Choudary, Markus G. Kuhn: Efficient, portable template attacks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol 13, No 2, February ... Google



... I really do. I think we go back a long way, ...


... and I need help with my homework 😥

... and we're putting on an opera in the jungle, ... this is how I recall remembering this song:

See Lori's New Book and Climbing Cabeza de Condor on Condoriri and Alpamayo Chico in the Bolivian Cordillera Real. Well, that has gone, but here's an email and a letter I wrote to Isabel whilst she seemed to be having a hard time and putting a brave face on it, talking bout having her foot amputated because it was so much hassle and getting in the way of her life.

I think she did. She changed her name to e-blitz and became a physiotherapist,  and she lives here in Cochabamba. She said I can call her whenever I need her, but I am scared that some madman will try to kill her if I make contact. Well, that's one possibility, but another is that she died, or I died in other part of the Multiverse and our Kripke frames don't have a common root, etc. etc. etc. So why I do I have to decide this stuff all in my own? Why can't I commmunicate personally and privately with her? See MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo Morales and Evo Morales Huevada.

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