
Wednesday 13 November 2019

Satish Kumar on Trees and Miracles and The Human Mind

Nothing we say, however weird it may at first sound, is insignificant. For example, at 9 minutes 31 seconds Satish says "... what a tree that miracle is".

Now you may think that was just a "slip of the tongue", such as my friend Simon Edward Thornton once made on a video on public speaking by Brian Edwards (who has since changed his name to Brian Woods, for some reason, perhaps because he started a company called TrueVision -- Brian, you'll have to ask Kirsty about that one. 😂❤️💓💕) when he said "... the world falls out of the bottom". Well, in the case of Satish's slip, see Michael Craig-Martin - An Oak Tree (1977) The miracle is the human mind which can make such material transformations in the manner of an alchemist:

Now, Polly and Si, how about interviewing Simon Thornton and getting him to show you the equivalent transformation of his "slip"? See Rich Bastards have Decided to Postpone Global Recession until New Year.

For more on plurality, see: Viva la Revolución!

For more on the distinction between presentation and mere representation, see Proofs and Representations. If you want some help with that, talk to Joan Moschovakis at UCLA, author of this Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Intuitionistic Logic, who knows quite a lot about constructive logic (which is the practical art of creating logicians) and try to interview Peter E Sewell at Cambridge Computer Laboratory, and John Brimacombe and ask them to tell you about women and probability and Imre Lakatos' book Proofs and Refutations. See For H.

... that was a lovely kiss! ❤️

... and the 26 kicks in the ass? Well, they got me off it, and they were fun, in retrospect! 😂❤️💓💕

For more on Roedean and illegal philosophy, see Revolution: The Real Deal and my application for a job: The Jaguar Circuit.

And if you want to make sense of all these Badgers and Herrings and a Cave then look them up in the index: Sylvie and Bruno - A Handbook for Global Revolution.

So, Simon and John, what motivates this slanderous attack on a couple of harmless venture captalists? It's not an attack. It's an offer of a job. I would like you each to consider applying for one of the vacant posts we have for fund-managers in the world's fastest-growing global multinational virtual corporation. See Redacted on Public BankingBloomberg Talking Crap on an Astronomical ScaleSarah Parkin and the UK Green Party and Benjamin Strauss on Impending Catastrophe. I am re-applying for my current job as a computer programmer: I'm Still Looking for A Job. Why reapply? Well, I'm hoping for better pay and conditions: see Renuncío El Evo. I'm also hoping to be able to teach Peter E. Sewell the difference between control and cybernetics, .... and get your kids into some better PJs ...

... good enough for a Russian winter, see Polly Spinning the Wheel of Misfortune ...

... see This Is A Great Business Opportunity and Russian Police Crackdown on Anti Police Corruption Demonstrators. ...

See also this: Tilt Five Holographic AR Update:

See the bit about the Bridal Chamber in Guerilla Logic and see also Lori's New Book. For more on underground architecture, see The Bigger Truth Behind The Matrix.

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