
Saturday 16 November 2019

Law Enforcement and Fiancial Fraud

Got an e-mail from my daughter:

Got an e-mail from Markus G. Kuhn:

Markus, obviously you wouldn't use that bank account to send me funds, would you? I earlier said send funds via Jane Grant, who can send them to the FCO in London, and Jill Benton at the British Embassy in La Paz can send them to Moira here in CBBA, and she did that once, a few weeks ago.

I have not got time to chase financial fraud, because yesterday 109 people were shot with some Russian-made Kalashnikov and eight were killed. See MAS Demonstrations In Support of Evo Morales. See also Hong Kong on Fire Again. But you have to read almost everything on my blog, because it's all joined up. Note there are one thousand five hundred and eleven posts since 2nd April 2019, and Bertrand Russell tells me, eighty four, so far, this month, which is November in the Gregorian Roman Calendar, the year beinge that of our lord two thousand and nineteen, if I am not most gravely mistook!

A couple of days ago I asked Samuel Doria Medina, I think, but I can't be sure it was really him, to send me a screenshot, and he said he would be pleased to, and I gave him the URL, with https, my address, written onto Jill Benton's BE La Paz business card, with her private e-mail address and her FCO address, which actually does receive mails from my account she says, but the system blocks them and she can only see the titles. Jill used to work for a company in La Paz called Gravity that was run by an Aussie who also had a microbrew hostel here in La Paz that served really excellent beer, of the quality that Milton Breweries would be proud! Geoff Sandifort at Climbing South America can tell you about them, because Stefan's Cafe Illampu is right next door in the same building, and Rosamaria Ruiz has moved  her office just opposite, in Edificio Abuela, I think. I woyldn't be surprised if she hasn't moved to Plaza Avaroa, because she must be getting on a bit, and what with having been half-eaten by a 5m Cayman a couple of decades ago, she walks with a bit of a limp. Sorry to have to reply publicly like this, but it seems to be where we're at. Was this the problem, maybe?

Or was it some other "O Rose Thou Art Sick" problem? Or are some people still trying to catch up with Eric Liddell? You have to tell me what you know, and what you are trying to do, in order to get a sensible reply from me. Here's my reply to Markus:

Here's my reply to my daugher:

Ahem, he or she please, ... I suspect that is at the root of our problems.

Yes, but gangrene sets in fucking decades before rigormortis, ask Rosamaria if you don't believe me. Wake up you useless bunch of fucking toffs!

God I love you Linda Parker! ❤️💓💕 Bird girl won, Bird Man ...

... see my comment on the video on YouTube:

I should worry whether my real brother Graeme will ever forgive me. This is his favourite movie. I haven't seen it.

This looked relevant:

I know the music well, but I had no mental images for it, until now.

Ask Karen Wilson née Park if she has a copy of that story I wrote about a guy who is dying in the forest and who changes into an albatross and flies from Bolivia to Hove.

...... now I understand this!!! It's brilliant!

See this. God, I would love half a dozen of these boats!

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