
Thursday 14 November 2019

On Dust

See Men Talking Crap and also the bit about time travel in Sylvie and Bruno - A Handbook for Global Revolution. Then read A Letter to A Girlfriend. See also Obamagate is a Thing.

... but make sure where you're leaping is real, not virtual. Ask Andy Hopper what it feels like to get that wrong: See Polly on Bolivia.

See Tilt Five Holographic AR Update. Ask my daughter Helen in Paris to tell you real significance of The Reality Checkpoint on Parker's Piece in Cambridge.

This post was brought to you by the Stichting Greenpeace International and Ewtoo's accountant. Ask Jill Benton at the British Embassy in La Paz what that's all about.

Now just imagine how different the world might've been if Jeri Ellsworth had been CEO of Acorn! 😂😂😂

I think Jeri and I are rocket brothers. ❤️💓💕

Maybe we would understand people better if we knew better what wealth is for? See Young People Talking About Physics and Philosophy.

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