Saturday 14 September 2019

Really Interesting Interview With Tommy Robinson

I don't know what his views on Islam are, or what motivates them, and I probably wouldn't agree with him, but I really like the guy. He's sane, reasonable and intelligent. My girlfriend told me once about the problem. It's that "Everybody is faking it", so when people show up who don't need to do that, it's a problem for the fakers, who all get together and do them in. And that makes them even more fake, so it goes on, getting monotonically worse, ... where does it end? See my comment on YouTube, and This is Politics?

I don't understand why Academy of Ideas dropped of my YouTube disposition matrix, it's really excellent. Turn's out I never subscribed to the channel.

See also Jefferson Morley on CIA/Mossad Collusion, and this:

But the problem is not purely psycho-social. By that, I mean that there is a clinical, physiological cause. So this is a condition that could be treated by a doctor. Unfortunately, the kind of doctor you need is regarded as a terrorist threat in the UK, apparently, because he tells you that you need to change your values and your way of life. See Shamini Jain on Medicine and FT Illustrating The Problem With Modern Medicine.

I would add, however, that the idea that suffering is inevitable does happen to be true, in the present state of the world, but it is certainly not necessary. I have never in my 53 years of life on this earth, seen or experienced any suffering that I think was a priori inevitable. It is only our collective failure to take seriously our personal responsibility to bring an end to all suffering which causes the suffering we see as inevitable. The trouble with suffering is that it is ultimately meaningless. The YouTube Doctor recommends this as a follow-up.

And then this:

I would add here that, because, whether we realise it or not, the world is one coherent whole,  whatever you choose as your path, if you pursue it with dilligence and to the utmost of your abilities, will turn out to be your destiny in the grand scheme of things, and this is simply because what exists in this world is the product of the collective efforts of humanity all striving together to realize their true selves. This whole process of humanity collectively striving together to achieve personal excellence is, I think, what Aristotle means by God: from the final page of Proofs and Representations, which I posted in November 2012

And for people who have money, they can reimburse the people who make these excellent videos and encourage them to make more by funding the project, which is worth more than all the money in the world, right now: Academy of Ideas Patreon, or Paypal.

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