Friday 13 September 2019

Potentially Interesting Talk

Well, these days, I have to read in more than is explicit in computer security talks. So I read this as if I was in the SBS and responsible for verifying the integrity of the software in the dive computers, ... you know, just like the army veify the integrity of the software in the radios the SAS use for encrypted communications, see "ISIS Attack" Used to Justify Illegal Presence of Coalition Troops in Syria Was "Friendly Fire" ... From Let's not play dice - what scuba diving and IT security have in common:
There is planing before a dive known as the briefing, there is a design phase of your system and software. In both cases you consider your next moves on the board. Constantly thinking: What shall happen? What can go wrong? What is the backup plan? While you are on the way and the game is going, you do your monitoring. You check for patches, you check for uptime, you take a close look at your pressure gauge and your dive computer. A scuba diver understands the need for integrity, for availability and the concept of risk management.
This conference starts today in London, ...

... or, it could just be a coded message telling my little brother he's been being watched for years, ... I hope so!

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