Friday 13 September 2019

Jefferson Morley on CIA/Mossad Collusion

See Another Fucking Nutcase Bearing Out Another "Biblical Prophecy" and Message For Porter J. Goss.

Here's a 1976 Thames TV interview with Angleton. Sociopath? Jesus Christ, no!

See For Zionists Who Wonder How Jesus Works, ...  At 5 minutes 51 seconds Angleton mentions how displeased he was with England's granting asylum to Philip Agee
Philip Burnett Franklin Agee (/July 19, 1935 – January 7, 2008) was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) case officer and writer, best known as author of the 1975 book, Inside the Company: CIA Diary, detailing his experiences in the CIA. Agee joined the CIA in 1957, and over the following decade had postings in Washington, D.C., Ecuador, Uruguay and Mexico. After resigning from the Agency in 1968, he became a leading opponent of CIA practices.
From Porter Goss
Towards the end of his career as a CIA officer, Goss was transferred to Europe, where, in 1970, he collapsed in his London hotel room because of a blood infection in his heart and kidneys. Fox News reported that Goss believes he was poisoned.
Angleton's comments at 6 minutes 2 seconds on Soviet totalitarianism and Western democracy are utterly incoherent, and it is clear that he did not understand what he was doing, or why. This man was an out and out fucking lunatic!

For some background, it was in 1963 that the communist cell at Cambridge University was exposed with the defection of KGB double-agent Kim Philby. It is interesting to hear KGB officers talking about how this event, which would normally be a disaster, was handled without any arrests and without any assassinations.

If you just briefly study the events leading up to Philby's defection you can see that he had significant assistance from both MI6 and MI5.  See ¡Viva la Revolución! Watch this, for example:

This is abundantly clear: the number one threat to American National Security, and the national security of practically every county in the world, is the autonomous agency of US intelligence and the Pentagon. So if you are not prepared to take this on, forget it!

And don't even think about fucking with British counter-intelligence. They were all at Cambridge!

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