Sunday 15 September 2019

Neil Gaiman on Writing Fiction

According to this guy, my whole life is the second draft of a novel! 😂❤️💓💕
See Really Interesting Interview With Tommy Robinson.

On dealing with writer's block. Just pick something like a Christmas vacation, and write about it. When you haven't any ideas, just write detail. Describe everything you notice, and everything that crosses your mind at the time. It doesn't matter how well you do it. I suppose it helps if you're crazy about an Irish chick called Elizabeth, and she likes walking in the Pyrenees and you want to impress her, ... Here's one of my early attempt at writing: A Winter Walk in the Pyrenees. The title I stole from John Muir: see Steep Trails.

A side effect is that of you later discover a really interesting story that took place in some similar circumstances, and if people ever give you the time to write something decent, instead of just shit-posting on a blog nobody reads, ... well then, you probably died. See Orwell in Burma and Robert I Watson.and Lori on the Fake Economy.

So, having being conned back into being cheap campaign publicity for a billionaire, I get to go back and sit on my ass in the street and watch people walk past with one of four different stock expressions on their face, ... Fuck you assholes who think this is a game!!!

Yes, I really mean fuck you!

You think I am going to stay off-line? Wrong again!

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