Sunday 15 September 2019

Trump authorized release of oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve

From this RT piece:
Washington, however, pinned the blame squarely on Tehran, alleging that the attack was too sophisticated to be carried out by the rebels, with a senior US official telling Reuters that US intelligence pinpointed the launch area in the direction of Iraq and Iran.
So these drones came fom around the place where the US dropped thousands of barrel bombs to "kill ISIS" in Iraq?

This makes me think Bolton was more of a symptom than the disease, despite what Kiriakou suggests here:

I think the feral CIA has got some of the "independent media" by the balls. I say "feral CIA", but that does not mean I am sure there is anything one could call "the real CIA" to oppose it. See Dilyiana Gaytandzhieva Investigating Illegal US Military Weapons Shipments to Yemen and Syria.

Update: more on Trump's dismissal of John Bolton. Interview with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson.

At 4 minutes 16 seconds, Wilkerson asks why did Trump pick Bolton as National Security Advisor. One possible reason is because of Bolton's role as assistant Attorney General for Justice during Iran-Contra, in which Bolton was distinguished for having argued, apparently convincingly, that the idea of having an Independent counsel investigate the Department of Justice was unconstitutional, and that is why a special counsel, Müller, was elected by the DoJ to investigate Russiagate. This is consistent with Trump's firing Comey, giving Rozenstein's reasons why he should do that: Rozenstein's reasons were false, and he gave Trump bad advice that he thought Trump would not be able to act on. But to expose that advice, trump acted on it, and Rozenstein was apoplectic. He went on to make a lot more mistakes as a result of that, and we learned quite a lot about Müller and various others, and then we learned even more when the Dems started mailing themselves pipe bombs, .... this shit is dangerous as hell, and you risk going to jail, but I guess there is no alternative when an anonymous group of cap-it-alls are holding Government to ransom, and have apparently perverted the course of justice.

Sometime during the second half of December 2015, during one of my brief periods of being in contact with Vanessa Spedding, I wrote to her about the US presidential campaign, and about the crazy promises Trump was making. For example, when he said he would send every illegal immigrant back home. That was clearly crazy: you would have nobody to work on illegal weed farms and the domestic national product would be halved overnight. And I tried to explain these promises to Vanessa (I am always trying to explain stupid shit to Vanessa) and I said that the only way he could do that would be by giving them all papers, so they weren't illegal immigrants any more. But I went further, and suggested that you could do this with practically every crazy thing that guy says. This may explain the brief  burst of popularity my blog saw around a year later:

The most popular post seems to have been The Plurinational Vegetative State of Bolivia, which I note is now enjoying it's third anniversary. Both the post, and also the state of the subject of the post! 😂 Anyway, I suspect that burst of popularity marked the start of the Russiagate clusterfuck.

Update: here's Lori with the best photo I've ever seen, so far, of John "like your milkman became a Nazi" Bolton. 😂

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