Thursday 4 July 2019

Martin Lee on US Interests in Hong Kong

At 3 minutes 7 seconds. On 16th May 2019, Martin Lee " ... met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss Hong Kong's Fugitive Ordinance." ... Lee gave this talk at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which includes the Kennan and Kissinger Institutes in its remit. Enough said! See Yonden Lhatoo says Hong Kong Protestors Have Lost the Plot.

See Beijing Response to Hong Kong Protestors Breaking Into LegCo Building for details on Hong Kong Democracy protestors being funded by the CIA-linked National Endowment for Democracy. But oops! YouTube dropped the video:

Or RT dropped it to prove George Galloway is right: See George Galloway on Hong Kong Protests. Whatever it was, I am fed up with his stupid shit. There is no end to the amount of nonsense these cunts can cook up. This so-called "journalism" is just a waste of time. We need secure communictions, assholes! See Joshua Wong, Nixie Lam and AJ Reporter Andrew Thomas on Hong Kong Protests. The British Foreign Jeremies Office and the US State Deparment should stop fucking around with kung-fu and take Yonden Lhatoo's advice: Yonden Lhatoo says Hong Kong Protestors Have Lost the Plot

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