Tuesday 2 July 2019

Beijing Response to Hong Kong Protestors Breaking Into LegCo Building

They may use this as an excuse to exert more control over Hong Kong.

It was very strange, how the police guard inside the building suddenly withdrew, allowing the break-in to go unchallenged. See this Al Jazeera report, from 5 mins 20 seconds.

Some of the organizations associated with the protests have been funded by the CIA linked organization National Endowment for Democracy.

From NED, the Legal Window of the CIA
For 30 years, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has been sub-contracting the legal part of illegal CIA operations. Without rousing suspicions, it has put in place the biggest network of corruption in the world, bribing trade unions and management syndicates , political parties both on both the Right and Left so that they defend the interests of the United States instead of their members.
 In his famous speech on 8 June 1982 before the British Parliament, President Reagan denounces the USSR as “the empire of evil” and proposes to come to the aid of dissidents over there and elsewhere. He declared: “We need to create the necessary infrastructure for democracy: freedom of the press, trade unions, political parties and universities. This will allow people the freedom to choose the best path for them to develop their culture and to resolve their disputes peacefully”. On this consensual basis of the struggle against tyranny, a commission of bipartisan reflection sponsored the establishment of NED at Washington. This was established by Congress in November 1983 and immediately financed.
This was at around the same time as the Hong Kong handover was being negotiated in secret by Edward Heath and others, see British Empire in China.

This is why you need to be careful about who funds you. Or, you could just take the money, but try not to do their bidding. But how do you know who "they" really are? Well, the cut of their suits and their neat beards are a clue! 😂 See Occupy Reboot in Hong Kong?

This "playing the association game" tactic has a long history. The antidote is literacy. See Lori on the Wash Post Losing Control of the Narrative. A little over a year ago CNN pulled this number on Jimmy Dore.

So it's hopefully easier to see how this:

Led, in five days via this: Birthday Present from Jeremy Hunt, to this:

Many people in Hong Kong are wondering about this too:

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