Thursday 4 July 2019

Joshua Wong, Nixie Lam and AJ Reporter Andrew Thomas on Hong Kong Protests

This is a good, balanced discussion that gets to the real issues. See Michelle Greenstein on Hong Kong's British History, and Yonden Lhatoo says Hong Kong Protestors Have Lost the Plot, and China's Foreign Minister Geng Shuang on "British Democracy".

At 11 mins 33 secs. This puts the "violence" against the Legislative Council chamber in perspective. Before this demonstration there had been several demonstrators who had resorted to suicide as a means of protest. This graffiti and vandalism probably saved some lives.

And at 20 minutes 50 secs: This process that has started in Hong Kong is about much more than just the extradition amendments. As they say this movement has legs, and it is going places. We need people all over the world to fight for justice and the rights of ordinary citizens to take priority over the rights of wealthy capitalists to make themselves even more obscenely wealthy than they already are. The Hong Kong protestors should have worldwide support for the example they are setting, and for providing a kind of laboratory in which people everywhere can learn about some of the problems ordinary citizens face when trying to get their voice heard against the opposition of oppressive powers.

At 23 mins 15 secs. What is it that allows the protestors, although they have different views in many respects, to remain cohesive and in mutual support of one another despite these differences? The answer is communication. NB. FaceBook and Google.

Here is Joshua Wong's Tweet-thread summary of the events of 1st/2nd July, which ends:
Please continue to keep an eye on us, and keep supporting us. On behalf of Hong Kongers I thank everyone for taking the time to learn about this unique place we call home. 
Now see what happened in South Sudan when eleven peaceful demonstrators were shot dead:

They have no means of long distance conmunication. The death toll since 3rd June now exceeds 200. See South Sudan [YouTube video not available].

See also Attempted Coup in Ethopia and Millions Marching in South Sudan.

We need secure communications, people! See Martin Lee on US Interests in Hong Kong.

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