Sunday 8 September 2019

Wikipedia Editing

The people who are obfuscating WikipediA maths articles, particularly those dealing with things like the relation between the Laplace and Fourier transforms, and with Padé approximants and Gauss' error function, ... pack it in! See A Concrete Way to See What Computable Functions Actually Are and FOM Rejection.

At the time I wrote this, in Subverting the Laws of Physics, ...
That, my friend, is the sort of thinking that could one day earn you a PhD in Economics, or Theoretical Physics, or maybe even a job interview at a nondescript office-block just outside of McLean, VA, a prelude to a long and distinguished career as a government-sponsored under-cover WikipediA editor. So you have a great future ahead of you; provided that is, you never set foot in the theater.
Happy WikipediA hacking.
... I had never heard of Analysis Corp., the CEO of which was John Brennan, and the HQ of which was in McLean, VA. This is where the CIA headquarters called "Langley" are located in Virginia. Maybe this post of mine is what gave Brennan the idea of re-tasking the CIA into a cyber-offensive organization? Fucking twat!

And then there's this rats nest too:  Maxwell connectionsto the CIA venture capital arm in-Q-tel:

And I bet is connected to this too. See from 20 mins 10 secs, on the software company run by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the early nineties:

And I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out not to be an accident either: Mubarak handed over the entire investigation of the EgyptAir flight 990 crash in October 1999 to the NTSB:
Included in the passenger manifest were 33 Egyptian military officers returning from a training exercise; among them were two brigadier-generals, a colonel, a major, and four other air force officers. After the crash, newspapers in Cairo were prevented by censors from reporting the officers' presence on the flight.

Here's some more background:

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