Tuesday 17 September 2019

Another CIA SAD Project

This may explain the weird shit going on with the media. So, imagine the CIA hired Noam Chomsky to write a book called Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, and then some German guys calling themselves Necessary Illusions, make a documentary about Chomsky. (The first part is available with Spanish subtitles, here)

The basic idea is that Chomsky convinces people that media censorship is a natural epistemic consequence of free market capitalism, perhaps hoping that various CIA projects to control the press would be dismissed by some of the cognoscenti who had read the book, or heard the idea. But these people all suddenly become socialists, and the left-wingers who work for liberal media go all-out to prove the theory is right. They actually conspire to prove Chomsky is right, and that there is no conspiracy to control the media, it's just an inevitable product of free market capitalism, taken to its natural extreme, ... Then comes the thirtieth anniversary of the book, and, oops! The fucking theory clearly has had its premisses changed under its feet! It doesn't work anymore. So Al Jazeera make a cartoon showing why:

And there's a follow-up here:

But it's OK, because this is all an old JFK project:

... except the idea of building a Democratic platform for a Republican speech was Reagan's, apparently:

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