Saturday 6 July 2019

Lee Camp on Climate Change and Even Weirder Shit Going On

"Everything's fucked! Everything's Fucked! Everything's Fucked!" ๐Ÿ˜‚ ❤️๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’• He could get a job as a Boeing pilot!

Don't forget, you can see Lee Camp reincarnated in London next month, .... for one night only, .... before he ascends to heaven to take his seat next to the great captain of the place which is the real destiny of anyone stupid enough to get on a Boeing aircraft, .... someone like this:

... or this:

... or this:

But climate change?! That's a no brainer, well, ... it would be, if it weren't for one problemette, ... which is: America is Falling in Love ... with contrails.

Why? Climate engineering? Don't be silly!

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