
"ISIS Attack" Used to Justify Illegal Presence of Coalition Troops in Syria Was "Friendly Fire"

Sergeant Matt Tonroe, 33, originally from Manchester, died last year alongside US commando Master Sergeant Jonathan J Dunbar while on a joint operation with American special forces.

See also US Pentagon Ranks 19th In P2P Child Pornography Networks:
At 3 mins 5 secs Seymour Hersh explains part of the problem in the middle-east is that US Special Forces are not under the command of the US President. He doesn't know who commands them. He says they think they're the Knights of Malta fighting the crusades. Many US military personnel belong to the Knights of Malta. RT contacted CENTCOM for comments, but none were received before the program aired.

People Want Me To Shut The Fuck Up For A While?

All you need to do is let me raise crowd funds for a project to implement symbolic logic on a web page, so that politicians with no formal training in logic can learn to reason logically. What I propose is to implement these two books as some sort of app or web page: Lewis Carroll's "The Game of Logic" and Symbolic Logic Vol 1 - Elementary. Why? Because we should have world leaders who are at least as skilled as twelve year old girls were in Charles Dodgson's day. See Toby and Diana on an MIT Mathematics Entrance Exam....

Australians Are the IMF's Laboratory Rats

To make deep negative interest rates "work" πŸ˜‚ the Australian government are trying to push through a bill to make cash payments of over A$10,00 illegal, ...

See this video for more background on the theory, such as it is, ...

Last Chance to See, ... The Alps

The last 70 sq km of Alpine glaciers are disappearing at the rate of two square km per year, ...

Toby and Diana on an MIT Mathematics Entrance Exam from 1876

It's not easy! See Euclid's Elements Book VI Proposition 2. Abraham Lincoln could've got in to MIT to study Math: from Wikipedia - Euclid's Elements
Abraham Lincoln kept a copy of Euclid in his saddlebag, and studied it late at night by lamplight; he related that he said to himself, "You never can make a lawyer if you do not understand what demonstrate means; and I left my situation in Springfield, went home to my father's house, and stayed there till I could give any proposition in the six books of Euclid at sight"
I bet Donald Trump could do this too! They say he's just like Abe Lincoln, ...

A partner Physics Girl video, unboxing a modern first year MIT physics exam.

MI6 Interference in US Elections

Leaked texts show MI6 involvement in Russiagate, via a known agent who was FCO First Secretary in Lithuania during the 90's and is reported to have recruited Sergei Siripal at that time. This same agent is connected with the Integrity Initiative. See Was the Integrity Initiative behind the Salisbury Poisoning? and Who is MI6 Officer Pablo Miller which claims Miller was living in Bogata, Colombia, from 2006 to 2009. See this video at 17 mins 42 secs, and more generally, UK ISP's Intercepting With HTTP MITM (BITM) Attacks. Now you can think about how the votes of ex-pat Americans living abroad could be influenced by a capable adversary, such as British intelligence, for example. See also Lori on Campaigning.

See this Guardian piece from 2017: British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
According to one account, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan. The matter was deemed so sensitive it was handled at “director level”. After an initially slow start, Brennan used GCHQ information and intelligence from other partners to launch a major inter-agency investigation.
In late August and September Brennan gave a series of classified briefings to the Gang of Eight, the top-ranking Democratic and Republican leaders in the House and Senate. He told them the agency had evidence the Kremlin might be trying to help Trump to win the presidency, the New York Times reported.
One person familiar with the matter said Brennan did not reveal sources but made reference to the fact that America’s intelligence allies had provided information. Trump subsequently learned of GCHQ’s role, the person said.
 The Guardian piece this RT report references is this one: Secret texts cast light on UK's early role in Trump-Russia inquiry

DLR Announcer Showing How to Make the Best of a Bad Job

This is great. More people should do this sort of thing!

Lori on Some Sick Fucked Up Shit That is Going Down in Arizona

This is what it took to get Arizona State to pass a law saying saying that companies disposing of dead human bodies need a licence to operate, .... but they haven't yet gotten around to enforcing it, ... Hey, I wonder if you need a licence in Arizona to sell deep-fried male genitalia? .... I bet you don't! πŸ˜‚

Whitney Webb on US Government Ties to Organised Crime

See Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case.
Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime.
It's not just America though, it's global. See Richie Allen Talking to Jason Bermas.

And here TLAV interviewing Webb.

Too Much Fucking Monkeys

That's our problem. See Lori on Human Evolution.

Julia Galeph says "don't go all the way." She's right! πŸ˜‚

Tuesday 30 July 2019

On Chineese Cooperation

On Xi Jinping's foreign policy based on holistic principles of Chinese medicine: At 2 mins 5 secs. "It's like quail and horse patΓ©: The ratio is 1:1, one quail, one horse!" πŸ˜‚

Gabor MatΓ© on Hiding Pain from Your Loved Ones

I think this counts as a Jewish joke! πŸ˜‚❤️πŸ’“πŸ’•

But maybe not. See Israeli Veterans Speaking Out About the IDF.

Lori on Campaigning

She says some Dems are forking out US$100 million to tell people in swing states fake news about how Trump's booming economy is not really happening. Errr, ... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I dunno where Lori got this figure of US$100 million. This piece Democratic super PAC targets Trump in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, says US$300,000 per week, which is, ... US$15.5 million per year, ... if they carry on like that. This Wash Post piece says that they have enough to manage that, Independent Democratic effort to defeat Trump raises more than $23 million, group says. And they are employing their own data scientists, to do analytics to target that more effectively, they say. Dem Super PAC Has a Plan to Beat Trump With Less Cash:
The group has put a $5 million investment into its analytics operation in hopes that it can more efficiently target need-to-reach voters at a fraction of the cost of traditional campaigning. Whereas in 2016, the super PAC had no one on staff doing in-house analytics, in 2018, it had a team of four. Its projected staff will end up at 13 during the 2020 cycle, aides said, with four targeting analysts, three experiments analysts, four data scientists, and a director and coordinator.

Democracy, my ass!

Graham Elwood on Putin's Nuclear Weapons Warning

Graham Elwood says no American media ever mentioned anything about this. Oh dear, so this blog doesn't count as American mainstream media yet? Must try harder! See Vladimir Putin on War.

There is more of that meeting here. Note at 7 mins 50 secs what he says on open, transparent and professional discussions of what is best for the international community, and including all nuclear states.

This quite interesting piece, at 4 minutes 46 seconds, and continued at 6 minutes 48 seconds, shows that this attitude of Putin is not something he just recently adopted. It has been part of an underlying basis for Russia's foreign policy for decades.

Amazon Deforestation Rate Skyrockets Under Bolsonaro

This year, June saw an 88% increase in deforestation on last year, and by July 24, the increase was over 200% on last year.

Israeli Veterans Speaking Out About the IDF

Breaking the Silence is a group of veterans of the Israeli Defence Force who are publishing testimonies of Israeli soldiers about Israel's actions in the occupied territories.

Soldiers are put into impossible positions which force them to behave in inhumane ways towards Palestinians or else suffer the consequences of being alienated from their comrades. From this testimony:

Soldiers end up wondering what it is that they are really defending:

Now listen to the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister's position at 7 minutes 51 secs, that Breaking the Silence are an extremist group, and that they should be using the Israeli state's system of justice to resolve these issues, rather than publish anonymous testimonies of soldiers. See Gabor MatΓ© on Addiction.

Monday 29 July 2019

Marcia Barbosa on Water

Silicon has just half a dozen anomalous properties that we use to make semiconductor and other material technology. Water has seventy anomalous properties. Nature uses all of them. For example, at 3 mins 56 secs, the density anomaly is important for fresh water ecology in sub-zero temperatures.

Russians Surprised by Their Own Plan to Invade Western Europe

... or Germany Gets on the Russophobia Bandwagon. This is a last-ditch attempt to revive the "weapons for oil" economy that's served the UK and Europe so well up to now, ...

See There is No Global Economy and Al-Yamamah arms deal:
In 2010, BAE Systems pleaded guilty to a United States court, to charges of false accounting and making misleading statements in connection with the sales. An investigation by the British Serious Fraud Office into the deal was discontinued after political pressure from the Saudi and British governments.
Which explains part of this: Cambridge University and the FCO and this:

To Russia with love, ....

Psychological Profile

This is purportedly from Markus Kuhn. He doesn't say why he wants this information, but I presume it is intended to make me feel like a madman in need of psychiatric attention. Why doesn't he read what I write? Surely that would tell him more about how I feel about my life and what I do. See for example Shamini Jain on Medicine or Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens or Nancy Trivellato on Disembodied Consciousness, or the last paragraph of Why is Telecommunications Security Important?

If you have some time, could you give me a clearer idea of
how well you feel at the moment, by answering the following
YES/NO questions?

Choose the best answer for how you have felt over the past week:

1. Are you basically satisfied with your life? YES / NO


2. Have you dropped many of your activities and interests? YES / NO


3. Do you feel that your life is empty? YES / NO


4. Do you often get bored? YES / NO


5. Are you in good spirits most of the time? YES / NO

Yes (when I am not being gaslit by pe.ople like you)

6. Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? YES / NO


7. Do you feel happy most of the time? YES / NO


8. Do you often feel helpless? YES / NO


9. Do you prefer to stay put, rather than going out and doing new things? YES / NO


10. Do you feel you have more problems with money than most? YES / NO


11. Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now? YES / NO


12. Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now? YES / NO


13. Do you feel full of energy? YES / NO


14. Do you feel that your situation is hopeless? YES / NO


15. Do you think that most people are better off than you are? YES / NO


Perhaps "Markus" would benefit from meditation? See Julia Galef with Sage Advice.

See from 9 mins 29 secs. I think explains a good part of my problem with Cambridge (and Oxford). They are afraid of rational thought.

Listen to Magnus Walker on gut feelings, which I call being true to one's higher self.

Now listen to Emeran Mayer about the true origin of those gut feelings that are our higher selves. They come from a 4 billion year old microbiome that covered the entire surface of the earth. See Nancy Trivellato on Disembodied Consciousness.

So, am I just "trolling" these poor professors at Cambridge and Oxford? You decide. By what measure? Listen to Julia. I think what she's saying is that it should be by your gut feeling, which I call your higher self.

I should explain that the origin of my antipathy for the University of Cambridge is that, for a decade, they kept me like an animal and tried to use me as a free source of ideas. The source dried up after about a month, but still they seemed to derive some benefit from it, so they carried on for ten years, until I left.

Listen to Julia talking about motivated reasoning. What I would add is that a good scout needs to be able to defend herself in case of attack by the enemy soldiers. That's why Navy SEALS are trained as snipers, ....

I think the problem is that Cambridge University has lost the reality checkpoint, and they are trying to retain control of the final cause, because being in control of the final cause is good for securing research funding. That may be true, but being good for securing funding is not the same as being good for research. They need to listen to Alexis, talking about Magnus Walker's talk.

And I am only one year older than Magnus Walker, so if course I'm not going to give up!!! πŸ˜‚❤️πŸ’“πŸ’• And I have been trained by Nick Cave, ....

... 1977 was a funny time, ...

Maybe this will help the people at Cambridge?

Sunday 28 July 2019

Lee Camp on Mueller Testimony

Damn, this video scratch of Mueller is the funniest fucking thing I've seen for years!!! πŸ˜‚❤️πŸ’“πŸ’•

Lee is still talking about doing a one-night show in London. Sunday, August 18, 2019 at The Backyard Comedy Club at 7pm. Special guest Eleanor Goldfield. See

See also For Robert MΓΌller:

Gabor MatΓ© on Addiction

He points out that addiction is almost always a consequence of prior trauma. See Cortizol Can Cause Epigenetic Changes Which Are Inherited. But another very important factor is rigid social structures, which these days are almost always supported entirely by rigid economic constraints, because the actual social fabrics that used to hold societies together have been broken down by economic pressure of one kind or another. At 6 mins 42 secs he says that people use drugs as an escape rom the effects of trauma, and adds that political power is one such escape, and also addictive. Political power is also addictive systemically, because corrupt political power can only remain above the law by maintaining that power. Ask Evo Morales if you don't believe me.

Mary Magdalene and Early Christians

This is really interesting!

I posted this before I got to 24 mins 33 secs, where it all starts to get a bit like Forrest Gump II and now I feel sick and am not going to watch any more. Goodbye Mr Hanky!

Lori on Communications Security

Amazon and Microsoft are disappearing e-books. And YouTube are disappearing Lori's videos. I can't find them on YouTube search. See YouTube What The Fuck Are You Playing At?

Chris Stringer of the Natural Hiistory Museum on Human Evolution

Fossil evidence suggests that Homo Heidelbergensis may not in fact be the common ancestor of modern man and Neanderthal man.

See Lori on Human Evolution.

Saturday 27 July 2019

Nancy Trivellato on Disembodied Consciousness

This is a fascinating talk.

It would be interesting if cultural anthropologists could look for evidence of conscious recognition of these kinds of phenomena in indigenous cultures. For example, the Kolla people living in the Puna de Atacama have some practices which seem to indicate some sort of an underlying idea that one person is a composite of many potentially separate spirits. See from 31 minutes 30 seconds

And here are some accounts of "seers" from Tibet and Kenya who have reported phenomena similar to those Nancy Trivellato described, but regarding future events:

Here John Reid talks about animism in cultures of the South Pacific, and New Zealand in particular.

And here is an account of animistic philosophy from the Amazon

See also On Psychobotanics and Neurology, and listen to Olaf Blanke talking with brilliant clarity about embodied consciousness and how much neuroplasticity there typically is our physical sense of embodiment.  It's interesting to compare these kinds of sensory-perceptive illusions Blanke creates in laboratory conditions, with the kinds of hallucinations produced by ayahuasca. See Adam Oliver Brown on Why Ayahuasca is Seldom Abused For "Recreation"

At 13 minutes 34 secs, on localising sensory stimulus, you might find some amusing insights into the mathematical ideas of metric spaces explored here: On The Difference, or Not, Between 0° and 360°, in particular the last paragraph on page eight, which starts like this:
Now consider how one could translate the time and location of an event in, say October 1962, reported by a Soviet submarine via a relay station to Moscow into the co-ordinate system used by the United States Navy. There was no GPS system at that time and the Soviet and US military each used different co-ordinate systems with different geodes to model so-called ‘spheroidal oblation’ in their maps. What empirical measurement can one make to establish the correspondence? There is no empirical measurement one can make of the relative offset between two different co-ordinate systems or geodes. As far as one is concerned, the other point may be 750 m away at a heading of 10◦, and 10 m below sea level. The other may regard the offset to be 13 feet above sea level and two miles away on a heading of 185◦. The reason such discrepancies are possible is that each system uses a different datum and they are typically thousands of km apart, and one cannot make any empirical measurement at two different locations at the same time. ...
Another application for neuroprosthetics may be in developing exercises of the type Barbara Arrowsmith-Brown uses to develop neuroplasticity.

Claudia Aguirre on some amazing connections between peripheral and central nervious system consciousness.

Australian athlete Janine Shepherd talks about her near death experience in intensive care and her experiences afterwards in a spinal ward, and then alone at home. A recurrent theme in this story of recovery is neurological connection with other people, and the physical world. This shows that communication, at various different levels, is an extremely important part of any healing process.

At 2 mins 31 secs, Peter Fenwick collected over 2,000 accounts of recalled Near Death Experiences from people in the UK, and was able to abstract from these accounts an ontology of the world experienced by people at the point of death. Nancy Trivellato identifies this as a crucial problem in making scientific accounts of subjective phenomena (9 mins 46 secs).

At 5 minutes 46 secs Fenwick reports on a study in which 9% of heart attack victims reported NDEs and that there is no clinical evidence that these experiences occurred during times when the victim's brain was functioning. It is important to remember that the reports people make of their subjective experiences are always indirect, in that what they are reporting is always what they recall. This is important because it is possible that what they experience as recall, is in fact the creation of the recalled event. There may even be accounts of pathalogical liars who have some conscious experience like this when they invent an event during the act of recounting it to someone else. Thus it is possible, say, that the enteric nervous system is what experiences the event and this has the effect on the conscious brain of a memory. For example, I have personally experienced conscious thoughts about food I ate, which seemed to me to be vivid memories I recalled, during subsequent illness caused by food poisoning. These impressions left me averse to those particular foods, but not others eaten around the same time, for years afterwards. The experiences recalled could even have their origin in the gut microbiome. See

In this talk Eneran Mayer gives many experimentally observed instances of gut microbiome having specific effects on brain function.

See also the discussion in Integrated Information Theory in this post: FT Illustrating The Problem With Modern Medicine. Making people aware of the shared reality of these types of subjective experience is an important part of building any stable, adaptable society. In this, the first serious attempt I ever made to describe my ideas, written in 2006, I explain the view of reality being what human beings create together, through shared descriptions of actual subjective experience. On The Objective Nature of Time.

So when Nancy Trivellato talks at 10 minutes 24 seconds about investigating the nature of non-physical reality, I think we would be creating that reality by developing, together, a vocabulary and an ontology as a basis for sharing, i.e. interpreting together, our subjective descriptions of direct experience, just as we create together the objective physical reality through shared descriptions of subjective personal experience in carrying out experiments in a physical, chemical or biological laboratory. See Relational Semantics subtitled "The Evils of Lego".

This is the dynamic kind of reality which, unlike any concrete reality, actually changes as we learn more through interpreting each others' descriptions of common human experience. At 17 mins 58 seconds, Nancy Trivellato speaks about the possibility of further human evolution.  I think it is already happening, as I try to explain in FT Illustrating The Problem With Modern Medicine, human beings long, long ago, "took cognitive evolution into their own hands", and I argue there that this process is what we call education, and the essential nature of human beings is something we ourselves create. In other words, I claim that the essential nature of human beings is synthetic: it is something that we create ourselves. However, to have a justifiable claim to be an objective reality, this process of sharing descriptions must be a global one, because otherwise there is a very grave risk of some group or culture constructing an entirely imaginary solipsistic reality, which they may never be able to effectively share with everyone else. The world we live in now has been shattered into millions of tiny pieces by this fissive process, caused by compound failures of communications between cultures, races, communities and in extreme cases, individual people, who then lose their essential nature as human beings. See What is Socialist Economic Development? for some ideas on how to go about repairing this damage.

So I think this is the sort of software that the broken robots in Lori's New Book are waiting for, .... the software upgrade is education, and education is always through communication. See Why is Telecommunications Security Important?

Now listen to Jade on modern cosmology, or cosmogeny, or something:

John Jordan on UK Iran Positioning

Former US Naval Intelligence officer John Jordan thinks Royal Navy's claim to be able to police the sraights of Hormuz was exaggerated and motivated by a political need for Hunt to distance the UK from US agression towards Iran.  See Iranian Foreign Ministry Urges UK Government to "Contain the internal forces that aim to escalate the conflict".

Friday 26 July 2019

Princess Haya bint Hussein In London

Australian 60 minutes programme about life for women in the royal family in Dubai. Princess Haya bint Hussein has filed for divorce from Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, father of Princess Latifa, who also attempted to escape Dubai last year. See Irish Times': Mary Robinson ‘dismayed’ at comments on visit to Emirates princess and Dubai’s Princess Haya ‘is still my friend’, says Mary Robinson. From The Guardian: Mary Robinson labelled a 'willing pawn' over visit with UAE princess:
Mary Robinson, the former UN high commissioner for human rights, has come under fire for claiming that an Emirati princess campaigners say is being held against her will is “in the loving care of her family”.
Well, I am sure my daughter is also in the loving care of her family.  See Cambridge University and the FCO.

George Galloway on Boris Johnson

BJ is ".... posessed of the kind of reckless courage that the officer class had at the Battle of Balaclava, when they thundered onwards into the guns, in what was a famous massacre of British arms at the hands of the Russians."

From Tennyson's The Charge of the Light Brigade
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
   Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!” he said.
Into the valley of Death
   Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
   Someone had blundered.
   Theirs not to make reply,
   Theirs not to reason why,
   Theirs but to do and die.
   Into the valley of Death
   Rode the six hundred.


The BBC and Denis Donaldson

This is the first of a BBC Northern Ireland programme Spotlight, on the collapse of the so-called Stormontgate trial, ending with the televised confession of Denis Donaldson that he had been a spy for British intelligence and RUC Special Branch for the past twenty years. Note the hunting references. Donaldson is shown hunting in county down, using a double-barrelled 12-bore shotgun. The phrase "The hunter became the hunted" is used.

Then, a few weeks after that programme was aired, Denis Donaldson was apparently found dead, with multiple shotgun wounds, in his cottage in a remote part of West Donnegal. The report quotes people as saying things like "This had all the hallmarks if a typical IRA execution." But it also mentions that the IRA did not typically use a shotgun in executions, and that a professional assassin wouldn't leave behind shotgun cartridges that could be traced to the weapon he had taken away with him.

Now anyone who watches the second programme carefully will see how the BBC and other journalists were part of the chain of events that lead to Dobaldson's death. This, coupled with the hunting motif and the use of a shotgun, and evidence apparently carelessly left behind, ... To me, it seems to be a message to the media.  If they then recall what was the focus of attention in the first programme, they will have a good idea what organisations were the most likely suspects in the case. Of course this doesn't mean that it was the RUC Special Branch who killed Denis Donaldson. It could just as well have been someine trying to make it look like the Special Branch or the FRU or MI5 were sending the message. See Denis Donaldson Was Betrayed By Everyone Who Knew Him

Note how the journalists seem oblivious of the possibility that they themselves would likely be being surveilled by the RUC and British intelligence, or even the IRA. If the IRA intelligence unit had the capability to intercept phone calls between the British Prime Minister and the President of the United States, then listening in on calls by a BBC investigator would not have been too hard for them either. See Martin McGuiness on Northern Ireland.

The IRA interrogator Freddie Scappaticci was recruited by MI5 in the eighties, around the same time as Denis Donaldson.

From this Irish Times piece How, and why, did Scappaticci survive the IRA’s wrath?
In 2003 Scappaticci was eventually outed as Stakeknife by a former military intelligence operative, Ian Hurst. He was spirited out of Belfast to England where MI5 offered him protective custody.
Scappaticci, though, had lost none of his chutzpah. He rejected MI5’s offer and flew straight back to Belfast where he sought a meeting with the IRA. The IRA, he calculated, had every reason to support his denials.
He gambled that Sinn FΓ©in, by now engaged in the peace process, could not afford to admit publicly that he had been a spy. If so, it would undermine their official line that they had fought the British to an honourable draw.
Any such admission would provoke the rank and file into questioning whether the IRA had been pushed into peace, paralysed by the penetration of agents like him.
On his return to Belfast, Scappaticci met two of the IRA’s most senior representatives, Martin “Duckster”’ Lynch and Padraic Wilson. Ten years earlier, Wilson had said he suspected Scappaticci was an informer.
Now, Wilson, Lynch and Scappaticci came to an understanding: Scappaticci would issue a firm denial which the IRA would not contest. To this day, this has been the IRA’s official position.
Interviewed by detectives under the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lord Stevens, Scappaticci stayed silent until the interview was formally over. Then, he asked if he could say something. Eagerly anticipating some new nugget, the two officers, both British, assented. Scappaticci said: “Look boys, I’m not the monster people think I am.” And that was it. That was all he said.
Then, this story came out in December last year: Freddie Scappaticci pleads guilty to animal pornography possession
Chief Constable Jon Boutcher, who leads the investigation for Operation Kenova, said: “This result is an indication that wherever criminal behaviour is identified during my investigation, evidence will be presented for the purposes of prosecution.
“Operation Kenova continues to recover evidence in relation to our core terms of reference and as and when it is appropriate to speak further, I will do so.
“I would encourage anyone who might be able to assist with this important inquiry to please contact my team via the details on the Kenova website, or by calling Crimestoppers.”
So Boucher doesn't have the faintest idea about computer security either! We need secure communications, people!

Cambridge University and the FCO

My daughter got into Cambridge, even though she is apparently illiterate. She doesn't understand that because she knows who she is, that I don't necessarily know who is e-mailie-mailing me and who is changing what she writes. Likewise Markus G. Kuhn, who has a PhD in computer security from Cambridge, one of the best computer science departments in the world, doesn't see the  problem either! Or could it be that I'm being gaslit by some cock-sucking idiot like Brigadier Alastair Aitken? Who knows? We need secure communications, people!

There are a few people in England who know what's going on

Thursday 25 July 2019

Al Jazeera on British Foreign Policy Under Boris Johnson

What I want to see is the FCO and its governing bodies, MI6 and the CIA, being brought under control. See Iranian Foreign Ministry Urges UK Government to "Contain the internal forces that aim to escalate the conflict" and Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash Investigation Was a Sham.

This is a Panorama documentary on the RUC and FRU involvement in illegal executions in Northern Ireland. Often these executions were carried out as a result of confessions obtained under torture. The IRA's notorious interrogator Freddie Scappaticci a.k.a. Stakeknife was in fact a British spy.

Now this person is saying that the CIA were feeding false information to the IRA about spies. Looking at other videos she has made, ... well, let's just say that her dad must be LΓ©on, The Real Deal! See Responsible Parenting. πŸ˜‚. I am posting this because I can't see more than 37 seconds of it.

See The BBC and Denis Donaldson.

Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash Investigation Was a Sham

It seems like the Ukrainian government and the CIA and British intelligence all went completely out of their minds in late 2014. See Ukrainian Government Failed to Close Airspace in Face of Known SAM Threat and Russian Evidence Sidelined in Dutch MH17 Crash Investigation.

What seems to have happened is a massive breach of communications security of CIA systems in Ukraine, followed by a series of increasingly desperate blundering damage limitation exercises and attempts to cover up what happened. I think this will go down as the operation that put the final nails in the coffins of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI6.

See Lee Stranahan on Joe Biden's Son Hunter And His Ukrainian Energy Interests.

It seems the Dutch government and police force have become embroiled in this, and in subverting the OPCW. See Vanessa Beeley on US/UK Backed Terrorism Operations in Syria Targetting Civilians. At 5 minutes 29 secs: Vanessa Beeley on British intelligence involvement in providing chemical weapons capability to Syrian rebels in Idlib. At 25 mins 41 secs there is more about the fake evidence on which the OPCW report was based.

The only connection I can see between British and American illegal operations and the Dutch government is via Royal Dutch Shell and the Bilderberg Group. See History of Burmah Oil and Bilderberg 2019 and Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg. Builderberg was founded by Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld and is currently led by King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard took millions of dollars in bribes in the seventies in the Lockheed bribery scandals.

There is a British citizen called Moira here in Cochabamba who is apparently of Dutch descent, and who has been gaslighting me for two years. See Piss Off You Useless Stupid Fucks!

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Epstein and Deutsche Bank

Well, I wasn't expecting the connection to be quite so direct! See Richie Allen Talking to Jason Bermas.

Lori's New Book

This is Lori's new book, I, Human.

It sounds really interesting. It's about robots.
One thousand years after the Human Apocalypse, robots continue to do the bidding of their human Creator, Addon Deus. After a millennium with no human interference, the robots have terraformed the planet into an organic paradise. They believe they have done their Creator's bidding, which is part of their primary programming. They should be happy!
And yet, the robots are subconsciously disturbed. They've developed physical glitches. To steady themselves, they rely on anti-glitch software written by none other than Addon Deus, Himself.
Alas, the software is outdated.
Their glitches are only getting worse.
The robots pine for the Awakening - which is almost upon them! - the time when He will wake to write better anti-glitch software.
Will these melodramatic, Zeppelin-lovin' robots ever find inner peace? Read "I, Human" to find out!
I also want to write a book. See Guerilla Logic Books. I thought somebody here in Cochabamba might want to help me do that, but apparently not, ...

Addon Deus, is a woman, I think. 🀦

Maria Popover has written an interesting piece on William Blake and imagination:
Arguably no genius embodies this tragic tenet more perfectly than William Blake (November 28, 1757–August 12, 1827), who lived amid ridicule and died in relative obscurity, then went on to inspire generations of artists.
That makes me feel a whole lot better! πŸ˜‚

Lori is my New York MOMA ❤️ See Piss Off You Useless Stupid Fucks!

Piss Off You Useless Stupid Fucks!

Thanks James! ❤️

On modern art: This is from the archive of my Computer Lab home page: My favourite piece of modern art is this: Michael Craig-Martin - An Oak Tree (1977)

But to understand it you need to read the artist's description here, and you need to know how Aristotle defines the essence of a thing, and you need to be able to see that modern science, because it rejects the idea of final cause, cannot even express the notion of the essence of a thing. See Lori's New Book.

Here's an excerpt from the film

Here's a mail I sent to Markus Kuhn at Cambridge

Here's the reply I got

Now, this is something I wrote four fucking years ago! What is their problem? It is clearly that they are illiterate: Why is Telecommunications Security Important? See also Benedict Cumberbach on Being Alan Turing.

Women have been being gaslit for centuries in British universities.

See this excerpt from this essay which I typed in 2014 and posted here: Process Synchronisation by Communication.

We have another modern art installation in St Petersburg:

So, Cambridge, what's your problem? Is it that you are worried that more women will drop out of PhD stundentships because they realise they can do better research at home on YouTube?

Making Cars Ain't Where It's At

Massive job cuts across industry and continents. That economy is not doing very well. Where's the replacement?

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Martin McGuiness on Northern Ireland

Martin McGuiness  speaking at the Hudson Union Society in December 2012, at 2 mins 57 secs:
We believe that there should be established an independent international truth tribunal. Gerry Adams and I have said publicly that we would both be prepared to attend it. The greatest opposition to the establishment of such a tribunal comes from the British government. And you have to ask yourself, "Why?" Of course the answer is very, very clear. Despite the conversations we've had, .... Gerry Adams and I used to travel over to London every now and then, on a Saturday. The media wouldn't even know we were going. And we would travel down to Chequers, and we would spend five or six hours in Chequers, with Tony Blair and Jonathan Powell, and Tony Blair freely admitted during the course of those conversations, that, particularly during the time of the Thatcher regime, that the British Army and Military were involved in all sorts of activities that he totally and absolutely disapproved of, ... but, you know, I can sit here tonight and talk about all of the different things the British Army were involved in, and somebody in the audience can stand up and say all of the different things the IRA were involved in, .... we need to find a way to have those conversations.

McGuiness is explaining why the British Government is the greatest obstacle to setting up an independent, international truth tribunal. And the reason he gives in the foregoing quote is because the British Prime Minister would be incriminated by the findings of such a tribunal. See Denis Donaldson and the "Brexit Backstop" and Denis Donaldson Was Betrayed By Everyone Who Knew Him.

The media in the UK and abroad are also implicated in the cover-up.

This is from the description of this video:

Around 1980, the IRA changed its strategy and started to focus on intelligence. In doing this, they developed sophisticated technology for surveillance and had the ability to intercept British Army surveillance as well.

As a result the British Army and Military Intelligence started to use illegal operations to carry out attacks that could be attributed to Republicans and IRA dissidents, which could be used as excuses for attacks on IRA intelligence operatives who were gathering damning evidence against them, from all over the world. See Death on the Rock.

This interview with Alison Cahn, a researcher who worked for months on the programme, is very revealing

Three months ago, author and former Member of Parliament Chris Mullin laughably claimed (at 10 mins 52 secs) that he thought MI5 had been "cleaned up" over the past few years. Well, if by "cleaned up", he meant that all the dirt had been swept under the rug and everyone concerned had been assured that it would all be quietly forgotten about, ... then, he's probably right.

See SeΓ‘n Murray on British Military Intelligence (MI5) Counter-Insurgency Tactics:
"What they wanted to do was to start something so serious that it would spill into civil war, ..." so they tried to contract a gang to go into a Catholic primary school and kill all the children and teachers. Now the issue is whether these crimes should be quietly forgotten, or not. 
"This week the UK Parliament debated whether or not to give British Soldiers immunity against prosecution for  crimes in Northern Ireland, ..."

Here's the trailer for Unquiet Graves:

British intelligence could have prevented the 1998 Omagh Bombing by the Real IRA, but intercepts by GCHQ were not passed on to to the detectives investigating the case.

Now, if a junior member of staff at GCHQ, with no great wealth and an immigrant husband who has no right of permanent abode in the UK, can call out an illegal war, then what sort of a defence will a Prime Minister and a Foreign Secretary in Her Majesty's Government have against the charge they knowingly ignored and even assisted in covering-up illegal activities engaged in by British forces in collusion with foreign intelligence agencies? See Weird Stuff Going on With the British Press.