
Wednesday 24 July 2019

Piss Off You Useless Stupid Fucks!

Thanks James! ❤️

On modern art: This is from the archive of my Computer Lab home page: My favourite piece of modern art is this: Michael Craig-Martin - An Oak Tree (1977)

But to understand it you need to read the artist's description here, and you need to know how Aristotle defines the essence of a thing, and you need to be able to see that modern science, because it rejects the idea of final cause, cannot even express the notion of the essence of a thing. See Lori's New Book.

Here's an excerpt from the film

Here's a mail I sent to Markus Kuhn at Cambridge

Here's the reply I got

Now, this is something I wrote four fucking years ago! What is their problem? It is clearly that they are illiterate: Why is Telecommunications Security Important? See also Benedict Cumberbach on Being Alan Turing.

Women have been being gaslit for centuries in British universities.

See this excerpt from this essay which I typed in 2014 and posted here: Process Synchronisation by Communication.

We have another modern art installation in St Petersburg:

So, Cambridge, what's your problem? Is it that you are worried that more women will drop out of PhD stundentships because they realise they can do better research at home on YouTube?

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