
Wednesday 24 July 2019

Lori's New Book

This is Lori's new book, I, Human.

It sounds really interesting. It's about robots.
One thousand years after the Human Apocalypse, robots continue to do the bidding of their human Creator, Addon Deus. After a millennium with no human interference, the robots have terraformed the planet into an organic paradise. They believe they have done their Creator's bidding, which is part of their primary programming. They should be happy!
And yet, the robots are subconsciously disturbed. They've developed physical glitches. To steady themselves, they rely on anti-glitch software written by none other than Addon Deus, Himself.
Alas, the software is outdated.
Their glitches are only getting worse.
The robots pine for the Awakening - which is almost upon them! - the time when He will wake to write better anti-glitch software.
Will these melodramatic, Zeppelin-lovin' robots ever find inner peace? Read "I, Human" to find out!
I also want to write a book. See Guerilla Logic Books. I thought somebody here in Cochabamba might want to help me do that, but apparently not, ...

Addon Deus, is a woman, I think. 🤦

Maria Popover has written an interesting piece on William Blake and imagination:
Arguably no genius embodies this tragic tenet more perfectly than William Blake (November 28, 1757–August 12, 1827), who lived amid ridicule and died in relative obscurity, then went on to inspire generations of artists.
That makes me feel a whole lot better! 😂

Lori is my New York MOMA ❤️ See Piss Off You Useless Stupid Fucks!

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