
Tuesday 30 July 2019

Lori on Campaigning

She says some Dems are forking out US$100 million to tell people in swing states fake news about how Trump's booming economy is not really happening. Errr, ... 😂😂😂 I dunno where Lori got this figure of US$100 million. This piece Democratic super PAC targets Trump in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, says US$300,000 per week, which is, ... US$15.5 million per year, ... if they carry on like that. This Wash Post piece says that they have enough to manage that, Independent Democratic effort to defeat Trump raises more than $23 million, group says. And they are employing their own data scientists, to do analytics to target that more effectively, they say. Dem Super PAC Has a Plan to Beat Trump With Less Cash:
The group has put a $5 million investment into its analytics operation in hopes that it can more efficiently target need-to-reach voters at a fraction of the cost of traditional campaigning. Whereas in 2016, the super PAC had no one on staff doing in-house analytics, in 2018, it had a team of four. Its projected staff will end up at 13 during the 2020 cycle, aides said, with four targeting analysts, three experiments analysts, four data scientists, and a director and coordinator.

Democracy, my ass!

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