
Friday 26 July 2019

Princess Haya bint Hussein In London

Australian 60 minutes programme about life for women in the royal family in Dubai. Princess Haya bint Hussein has filed for divorce from Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, father of Princess Latifa, who also attempted to escape Dubai last year. See Irish Times': Mary Robinson ‘dismayed’ at comments on visit to Emirates princess and Dubai’s Princess Haya ‘is still my friend’, says Mary Robinson. From The Guardian: Mary Robinson labelled a 'willing pawn' over visit with UAE princess:
Mary Robinson, the former UN high commissioner for human rights, has come under fire for claiming that an Emirati princess campaigners say is being held against her will is “in the loving care of her family”.
Well, I am sure my daughter is also in the loving care of her family.  See Cambridge University and the FCO.

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