
Thursday 25 July 2019

Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash Investigation Was a Sham

It seems like the Ukrainian government and the CIA and British intelligence all went completely out of their minds in late 2014. See Ukrainian Government Failed to Close Airspace in Face of Known SAM Threat and Russian Evidence Sidelined in Dutch MH17 Crash Investigation.

What seems to have happened is a massive breach of communications security of CIA systems in Ukraine, followed by a series of increasingly desperate blundering damage limitation exercises and attempts to cover up what happened. I think this will go down as the operation that put the final nails in the coffins of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI6.

See Lee Stranahan on Joe Biden's Son Hunter And His Ukrainian Energy Interests.

It seems the Dutch government and police force have become embroiled in this, and in subverting the OPCW. See Vanessa Beeley on US/UK Backed Terrorism Operations in Syria Targetting Civilians. At 5 minutes 29 secs: Vanessa Beeley on British intelligence involvement in providing chemical weapons capability to Syrian rebels in Idlib. At 25 mins 41 secs there is more about the fake evidence on which the OPCW report was based.

The only connection I can see between British and American illegal operations and the Dutch government is via Royal Dutch Shell and the Bilderberg Group. See History of Burmah Oil and Bilderberg 2019 and Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg. Builderberg was founded by Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld and is currently led by King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard took millions of dollars in bribes in the seventies in the Lockheed bribery scandals.

There is a British citizen called Moira here in Cochabamba who is apparently of Dutch descent, and who has been gaslighting me for two years. See Piss Off You Useless Stupid Fucks!

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