Thursday 11 April 2019

He Was A Mighty Strange Marine!

Apparently Assange was charged under the United States of America Espionage Act in December 2017. That was after he offered a cash reward for the redacted parts of the JFK files that President Trump declassified. Check my tweets on that. But this RT piece says he was charged with publishing a video Chelsea Manning leaked. So maybe he's going to be charged with terrorism. I dunno, nobody tells me anything.

So it sounds like Bob MΓΌller did accept my job offer after all! That's great, because I wasn't looking forward to planting one on that Marine's chiseled jaw, I mean, that would be like pissing on the Statue of Liberty, wouldn't it, Bob! πŸ˜‚❤️πŸ’“πŸ’•

Bob, if you need me, I'm in the green tent on the right, buddy! πŸ˜‚ At the Space Force HQ.

Which is in Russia, as you know.

And it used to be on 5he moon too!

See Stop Making Sense, if you dare.

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