Thursday 11 April 2019

And the Number of his Name is 3825!

Google, is this some kind of joke? I'm trying to share my google photos with someone, and I get this:

What shows in the black box is "Verify your identity" and I am presumably supposed to type in my number? What is that? 9876543210? 

Oh, this is you and me in bed together, is it bald faggot man? Javier Quiroga, or whatever you call yourself. Buck 3825. What do I have to now? Kill you? Make you into the Real Soanish Jesus? So that there will never again be any difference between goid and evil? That would be an evil thing to do. And I'm not evil. Bye bye.

And Buck 3825, better check the comments on that video.

So what is a Real Japanese Train anyway?

There's some great stuff on All of You Are Stupid, check it out!

So now you know! You know those jokes aboat beavers, yes! What do you know? You know where the shitting things come from! They come from the fucking churchyard, where you buried "Digmeup and Fuckme"! 😂❤️💓💕

And now? What shall we play? Hey, I know! 

14:11 Pretty little girl walking past wearing a t-shirt saying "Be nice or go away." Darling, that's why I am being nice! Somebody make me a  t-shirt which says "La Patria o Muerte" por favor.

Hey, are we makin' a movie 'bout Scientology or Proctology? Either way, target acquired, but there's no fucking way I'm goin' in there, gunz blazin' or no! 😂

But hell, with AB holding the stick, there's no telling where I go next! 😂❤️💓💕

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