Saturday 5 October 2019

Leonard Skinner on What Really Underlies the Global Economy


... and it's been well-known since long before Mr Buttle was an itch in his daddy's pants.

Idiot Russian anchors don't understand economics either. It makes no difference whether Greta Thunberg wastes her life talking to idiots who don't listen to her, or whether she works in a village in India labouring, she is still wasting her life, just like I have wasted the last forty years of my life. Greta does not want to live an eco-life, she wants to live a civilised life, and she can only do that in a civilized society. These capitalist assholes in Russia and America don't know what a civilized life actully is. A civilized life is one here everybody, especially assholes who get to anchor TV shows, gets a good education, and has the right to do work for the common good, not just for the good of some stupid cunt who drives around in an expensive car and talks crap all the time.

Slavery is slavery, whatever you do.

... and this is a civilised life, because Toby only has to explain stuff to people who listen and who think about what they hear, even they often don't recognise support for what it really is, which is a fucking miracle! Toby on Square Roots.

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