Sunday 13 October 2019

CIA Involvement in the Extra-judicial Execution of Che Guevara in Bolivia

I missed this when it came out on 4th October, ...

... it's also about illegal US surveillance and suspicious deaths near RAF Croughton in England. See from 1 minute 6 seconds:
In November 2013 Tom Watson MP, was reported as saying that there was: "an urgent need for “public scrutiny” of the activities at RAF Croughton. The US Air Force station is a major hub for American military and clandestine communications". It is reported to have been central to the monitoring of the mobile phone of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
RAF Croughton and RAF Mildenhall are both USAF bases with major US military surveillance operations. See also Trump Besieged by Media and Coming Soon, to a Cinema Near You, ...

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