
Sunday 22 September 2019

Wikileaks Editor Says Assange Extradition to the US is Life or Death Decision

He's probably right. The trouble is that there has been so much lying and murderous subterfuge about lying and murderous subterfuge that nobody has the faintest fucking clue whether Assange's extradition means life or death, for him or anybody else. Wake up you fucking assholes!

See Five Years of War in YemenSnowden Seeking Asylum in Europe and More Fucking CIA Assholes. See also Psy Warfare Victim and The Logic of Aristotle to see what we're fighting against. The answer? We're fighting a bunch of fucking cowards who are too afraid to stand up and say what they think they know and why it is that they think they know it.

At 42 seconds: this shit about April 11th and "controlled moves" gives me the creeps. Maybe it's just triggering my PTSD, but when I hear that I start imagining people hitting me with a tranquiliser or something and taking me somewhere else for a few days for some secret "medical treatment" and another round of hypno-therapy. I tell you, not existing is hard work! See The Logic of Aristotle and Psy Warfare Victim.

If it's because you're scared that by giving away my location and identity you let "them" kill me, then don't worry. You will be doing me a favour. I don't want to live. I'd much rather be killed by them than tortured by you.

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