
Sunday 22 September 2019

Jeff "Mr Buttle" Bezos Feeling the Heat?

He will! (see * note below).


Because Ms Tuttle has worked on "fulfilment" for The Foundation since I don't know when, ... but it was well-before they came out with the 27B-6, ...

See America, At Least Somebody is Thinking About Your Future. So now you see why they call it the Brazilian Amazon, don't you?

* Listen to the interesting bit about Rudy Giuliani's New York office on 9/11, at 13 minutes. For more on firefighters and the dangers they face, see Amy Zegart on Cyberwar.

Don't miss Naomi Karavani at 18 minutes 20 seconds. ❤️💓💕 or Natalie McGill  at 23 minutes, on "ride sharing app" legislation, ... you know, ride sharing, ... where some assholes write an app that lets them all take you for a ride tor fuck-all in return, ... there's lots of em, apparently! 😂

Thanks guys! I'm catching on, slowly, this joined-up thinking is hard work!

Jeff just asked me "Are you sure you want to delete this post?" but there wasn't a "fuck off and die, asshole" button to press, so I just pressed "cancel". 😂 See More Fucking CIA Assholes and Message For Porter J Goss, which could just have well been a message for Jeff Bezos. Life's a bummer, isn't it Mr Buttle?

What's special about 34? Nuthin. Ask Jesse James if you don't believe me:

Cops? So, is that another ride-sharing app? 😂

And what about the Knights Templar? Jeeeeezus Jeff!

Well, they added a baby owl with no mummy, so this doesn't surprise me!

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