Friday 12 April 2019

Tulsi Gabbard on Assange

Tulsi Gabbard interviewed on CNN about the charges Assange faces for publishing classified US Army information.

There is another way to look at the message the DoJ might be putting out. It could be "Publish, but be prepared to do jail time for it." And the corrollary is: "Be absolutely sure that you are acting in the interests of the Greater Good when you publish anything". This, I think, is what John F. Kennedy said in his "Secret Societies" speech, given to the American Newspaper Publishers Association, in April 1961.

Assange was not publishing like that. He was dumping vast quantities of data, without making any analysis, and without any rationale behind the decisions as to what to publish.

Tulsi Gabbard points out that the Obama administration apparently didn't understand the point Kennedy was making either. It seems to me that the Obama administration was actively supporting Assange and Wikileaks.

See also this post.

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