Thursday 4 April 2019

Your Guide to Purchasing a Retirement Home

I just got a message that Boeing admit that the 737 MAX had a software problem. Hey, that's OK, everybody gets served a Limp Lettice from time to time. The trick is, when the stick starts jerking like that, you don't tame out to use tgt toilet in first class, because you might get the Chief Sewart's wires crossed with the pretty little hostess who's serving burgers in economy class. The effect is not entirely unlike doing a hit-and-run on a drive-in Burger King which has the cajera behind the boom! It's called an a-whack!

Crossing Oxford Street. She threw herself under my wheels! It's a dangerous game, and an a-hazardous load. Juat (🙉!) ask Shawn from Unistick, who's big in fat, because his poor, beautiful wife was an a-floral, and thin as a Musical Gardner's tool!

Me neither! They remind me of the down-escalator at King's Cross!

The New Improved Status Kwon. It's not the Navy anymore, Dorothy!

It's much easier to get into the underground ARTs scene these days, because She's Electric!

Somebody just sent a message saying "We Won!"
The answer to which, I think, is ...

So I'm eternally grateful that, outermostly, Someone Else Believes! And in particular, Some One Else: G Section. Open Circuit.

But, ladies, this time, .... go easy on the saki! Please? Pretty please!! 😂

And that's why Novecento is going is to open at 9am from now on, on Sundays, and serve a Special Breakfast because there is no Z, sorry, that was just a bull trap set by my  fi re walkin' preacher-friend, for botanists who don't watch where they put their feet! It's called preaching from the bull-pit, and the sermons are always sharp, and to 5he point! ðŸ˜‚

And I just got a message that they're going to put me out of steerage here at the Titanic, because I forgot to mention the Embassy of The Hobbits From Middle Earth. Oh my Sainted Aunt! Turn me to salt, at once! And don't Forget to Bring Your Urn! Thank's to my Big Sister Odoña! Oh, and the Moral of this Natural History? ... It's ...

Mor phish, better pussy! Ask PES 20 @ Cam if you don't believe me! But I can't eat eight loaves of bread all on my own! I was about to say "in my experience these events occur in the opposite order", but after watching a few minutes of this DFA video I see that this is what they explain. Here's a guide to the coming boom in the seaside property market.

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely hope that I did NOT mean "thank's to Sister Odoña" because I should have typed "thanks to Sister Odoña". I love her, and there's NO mothing ritual 🔥 about it! ❤️💓💕 Well, none on HER part! 😂
