
Sunday 22 September 2019

Keep Talking

Keep talking complete shit in code so nobody knows what the fuck you really mean, then nobody will hold you to account for it, will they Jon Crowcroft?

See Wikileaks Editor Says Assange Extradition to the US is Life or Death Decision and More Fucking CIA Assholes.

For almost a year after this album came out I ate my lunch in the DAMTP common-room, with Steven Hawking and his nurse. We were always alone, and none of us ever said a word to each other. You need to have been there to understand why.

I've just been reminded of the time, must've been 1985 or so, when I went into Heffer's bookshop on Trinity Street, Cambridge and asked the young woman who was working close to the computer science section, for a copy of Shannon & Weaver's book The Mathematical Theory of Communication. She said "you mean animal communication?" and to my eternal shame I laughed and said "No, electronic communication". She was probably a Veterinary Medicine student. Dear beautiful, intelligent bookshop lady, please forgive my gross ignorance. Despite having had a girlfriend who studying veterinary medicine at Cambridge, I had not yet learned to live like an animal! 😂

See William Blake, Isaac Newton and Lucasian Chairs.

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