
Sunday 22 September 2019

I Just Got an email From My Daughter

... and I really believe it's her. Sanity can't be far away now!

Except, she's in Paris, so her sanity is in peril! 😂 See Amy Goodman Interviews Greta Thunberg. I'm sure she has lots of friends there who'll keep her on the straight-and-narrow, ...

So we need have no fear of another outbreak of dancing mania, Pope Francis. Because the kids today are perfectly sane, ...

... well, fans, you know, .... they resonate with stuff, ... what stuff? Well, nothing they have any personal experience of, no sir! They resonate with totally fucking alien notions, ... things that nobody on this planet could even imagine, ... no, not even if they've seen all the fucken' Guiness® ads, ...

The games bored little girls play, ... you gotta love 'em eh, Pope Francis?

... or join them, ...

... but it's probably not the best idea to burn them, ... see Lori on the Fake Economy.

Broken toys 'R us ... but we keep on going 'round, and round, and round, ...

... it never gets any better, but we get better at it, and we have more fun doing it, ...

... and some boys know what's going on too, ...

... its all about λεπτόν πῦρ, which is being left on fire, or is that leapt-on pyre?  I don't know, I can't even write good Greek.

I think we need some help from Nicolai Tesla, ...

Girls from Roedean know about this stuff. Ask Nick Cave if you don't believe me. From Sappho 31, see the link "Fall in love", on my Computer Lab home page, for a different translation (or just ask Claire Quigley)
ἀλλ᾽ ἄκαν μὲν γλῶσσα †ἔαγε†, λέπτον
δ᾽ αὔτικα χρῶι πῦρ ὐπαδεδρόμηκεν,
ὀππάτεσσι δ᾽ οὐδ᾽ ἒν ὄρημμ᾽, ἐπιρρόμ-
βεισι δ᾽ ἄκουαι,
So what happened on the waterfront at Scarborough?

And it's not just human beings in which these phenomena are manifest, it is all of life. See 2009 Coup D'Etat in HondurasNancy Trivellato on Disembodied ConsciousnessLori on Extraterrestrial Life. To not see this interconnectedness you need to have had it educated out of you, and this is why children know more about the way the world really works than our "leaders" like Macron. And why long hair physicists know more about physics than small particle physicists. Sometimes the YouTube disposition matrix seems a bit, ... well, ... not nuts, exactly, ... but pretty interesting! 😂

... more people should look up, I think, ...

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