
Saturday 31 August 2019

Texas Shootings

It is possible that this is a huge smokescreen to cover up targetted killing, and that the perps are in a big hurry. The idea would be shoot a random bunch of people, amongst whom happened to be some talented academic from Texas A&M, ... I hope my friend Adam Banks is OK. He's a Brit living in Texas, before that he lived in Norway and had one of those ATB skiddoo type things, which probably aren't much fun in TX, ...

See Yield Inversion in the Economics of Helium and Pythagoras' Theorem and Dijkstra's Banker's Algorithm and Euclid's Elements of Geometry for some more plausible leads, ... and you should probably talk to Warren Hunt and his wife Anna who have a long association with Cambridge through Mike Gordon and Avra Cohn. Also talk to Steven Weinberg who wrote a book called Facing Up, and to John H. Conway and other Brit refugees at Priceton. See John H. Conway on Weird Programming Languages. Talk to Peter E. Sewell at Cambridge too. See There's Trouble Down't Dark Satanic Mill! and Wildberger on Rational Parameterization:

Listen to the women.

Here's the reality checkpoint, boys. It's right under your feet. See In Ethiopia's South Omo It Hasn't Rained for Five Years.

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