
Tuesday 9 July 2019

Near Earth Asteroid Ideas Shifting ...

... ever so slightly, bit by bit, ... what people should be thinking about much more, are the other areas in which fundamental research could be integrated with aproject like this. The most important being the economic and political structures which allow independent sovereign states to cooperate constructively on global projects which benefit the whole of humanity.

See This Is What We Should be Thinking About, and Russian American Collaboration, and Near Earth Absteroid Apophis.

Maybe this was topical because of this Senate panel, chaired by Ted Cruz, who is four years younger than me, but much more grown-up! 😂

And at 5 mins 8 secs, he proves to be much more full of stupid shit!

He mentions the movie Hidden Figures which I'd never heard of:

Al Jazeera did an In The Stream programme on this:

See also Women Programming Computers and in particular, this bit:

And finally Amazing Shit You Can Do With Cheap FPGAs! In particular:

And the role of Margaret Hamilton and the safety-critical aspects of the design of the Apollo Guidance Computer system. So now you know what Boeing's problem is. See Boeing 737 MAX Debacle Continues and Another Boeing 737 MAX Problem. So now you see that this wasn't so far-fetched an idea at all: OK Ladies, ... So if a bunch of people like this got together, couldn't you set up an international cooperative framework for starting training centers and build in professional services support like offices, accommodation, work sharing, child-care services, ... and basically, make a new world, ... one that works for you, rather than this one which makes you work for them? See Helena Norberg-Hodge on Economics and Human Knowledge and also Lori on Loneliness.

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