Wednesday 5 June 2019

Muhammad Bin Salman Is Making A Terrible Mistake

I don't know what the underlying problems are, but I am 100% certain that they are connected with the Hunt and Bush families, Ali Abdulla Saleh, the British FCO and its intelligence agencies, British Petroleum and the CIA, and not with moderate reformist muslim clerics.

Saudi Arabia has a problem. The global economy is going down, and Saudi Arabia cannot survive without a massive foreign currency income, and this has effectively cost the Kingdom its sovereignty (See Brits Running the US Federal Reserve) and David MacKay on Energy. I thought, especially around the G20 meeting in Argentina last year) that Bin Salman might have been doing "the right thing" behind the scenes, whilst putting on a show for his paymasters, but, in the absence of some more "declassification diplomacy" on CIA activities in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, that belief is getting harder and harder for me to maintain.

There are surely a lot of other ways to proceed before imprisoning and executing moderate reformers. I daren't say any more. Here's Princess Basmah Bint Saud talking about different ways to understand security. What she has to say is extremely important. It is that real national security comes from the personal security of the citizens, but most heads of state seem to believe that personal security follows from national security, and that is the terrible mistake that is being made all over the world right now, particularly in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom and the United States.

Here is a very brief interview with Princess Basmah from 2013

The CIA and MI6 have a much worse record on human rights abuses than the Saudis.

Part 2:

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