Tuesday 4 June 2019

David MacKay on Energy

Looks like he sent me a birthday present before he died. This was published on 26th June 2013. We never had the opportunity to speak to each other, even though we worked in adjacent buildings at Cambridge for a decade, and in the same building for several years before that. I used to help his secretary Louise with tricky typesetting questions when I worked at DAMTP.

What David  doesn't go into in this talk is the energy inefficiencies which result from the way the economy as a whole is organised. Domestic energy requirements are under our own control, but it is hard for individual activists to, say, improve public transport infrastructure and reprioritise urban planning and transport logistics and then do the same for international passenger and freight transport. Yet these are surely the areas where the greatest reduction in energy consumption can be affected.

According to his Wikipedia Biography David MacKay, from 2009 to 2014 was Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). In July 2015 he was diagnosed with stomach cancer.  He died in April 2016.

Eight months later, HRH Charles, Prince of Wales, appeared on Sky News promoting his book on climate change and energy policy.

Maybe this cartoon explains stuff like this?

Because this, apparently, is too hard to understand. And I don't mean too hard for Donald Trump to understand. I mean too hard for the people at the Foreign Commonwealth Office who prefer to communicate by cartoons.

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