
Jason Bermas Working Sundays

He is getting shit done! But it's not easy.

Here are the videos he mentions that he's done today:

Disneyworld child abuse:

Epstein abuse case:

North Korea talks:


And Google have demonetized all of these, so you know he won't get paid for any of it. And Google demonitized me across the board in 2009, so ....

But see also Google Senior Executives Sidestep Senate Hearing Inquiry.

Army 2019 Expo in Moscow

At 1 min 15 seconds there is a segment on virtual reality combat training. I have some amusing ideas about augmented reality combat training that could be used to test, say, Russian and US forces against each other, using actual weaponry and live munitions. (hint: see Exact Location of US Drone Shot Down is a Scientific Question, and talk to Andrew Moody about the shooting game I wrote in 1982 or thereabouts, that runs in two BBC Model B micros connected by their RS432 serial ports.) Of course, you need secure communications to do this safely. So please, just get me out of this stupid fucking jail I'm in!

See also US Made Lockheed Martin/Raytheon "Javelin" Anti Tank Missiles Supplied to UAE End Up in Libya and Putin's ideas about nuclear weapons strategic arms limitation in the third video on FT Editor Lionel Barber Interviews Vladimir Putin. At 2 minutes here: the way to do global arms limitation is for the major powers to cooperate in producing defensive systems. Systems like the Russian s-series air defence systems, see US Sends "dozens" of F22 "Raptor" Fighter Jets to Qatar. The same principle extends to space and cyber defence. See NATO Want To Fight Russians in Space and Putin on Sovereign Internet. And this shows that the reason Theresa May hates Putin is because Putin understands the business value of peace.

See also Russian Military Assistance in CAR which shows the value of combined military and communications security assistance, which people like Bolton are dead-set against.

US Made Lockheed Martin/Raytheon "Javelin" Anti Tank Missiles Supplied to UAE End Up in Libya

The problem with arms control regulations is that, in a war zone, there is typically nobody around who is in a position to enforce them.

There are, needless to say, effective and practical technical solutions to this problem, which could have been developed decades ago. But that, presumably, was not in the interests of people like Philip May, who want Raytheon and Lockheed Martin to sell as many weapons as possible. See Army 2019 Expo in Moscow.

Treaty of Versailles Explains A Great Deal Of Todays Geopolitical Conflicts

Interesting summary of the treaty which ended World War I, and opened another century of armed conflict.

Putin's Response to Theresa May

Theresa May's problem is that she is incapable of behaving reasonably. This is a consequence of the UK Government being riven by internal contradictions by the need to maintain centuries of lies and corruption which have effectively taken control of the whole of the British establishment. They are all, quite literally, insane. And the problem is that nobody over there is prepared to admit this and actually do something about it. See UK Justice and British Empire in China.

May's response to Corbyn at 2 mins 17 secs is a good example of the problem. You don't make progress by responding to criticism with criticism of the critic.

See Theresa May Proving She Is A Useless Fucking Idiot. At 5 mins 20 secs there is a discussion of how Ahmed Alshami came to be called a Houthi representative. The situation in Yemen is far, far more complex than any such simple-minded classifacation like this can characterise. And on "anti-semitism", the explanation, I think, lies here: UK Government Don't Even Bother Trying To Pretend They Give A Shit Anymore.

I did some fairly extensive investigations into this in the six months or so before April 2019, but they are all in Google G+ posts and I don't have any practical way to search this data. This is because I am being denied access to the resources I need to be able to work, and the British FCO are one of the organizations that are denying me this, along with other basic human rights, because they think that things will go better for them if I am unable to work. They are sorely mistaken. Things are going to go very, very badly for them. And that is a promise! see Iran False Flags and Yemen War is NOT Solely British and Kushner and Bannon Knew About the Qatar Blockade Two Days Before it Happpened.

David Quintieri on G20

"It's just a bunch of photo ops and garbage." I am inclined to agree. And in other news, ... the global economy is the same thing as G20, but without any photo ops! 😂

Saturday 29 June 2019

G20 Roundups from Al Jazeera and Deutsche Welle

It's interesting to see how these two views differ, though the formats are very different.

And here's DW

Battery is finished. Hasta luego.

Putin on The Importance of Stability

... and on the crucial difference between stability and insecurity.

See FT Editor Lionel Barber Interviews Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump and Mohammed Bin Salman At G20

Mohammed Bin Salman doesn't seem like a bloodthirsty killer.

See UN Special Racconteur on Kashoggi Killing. See also

Without any physical evidence of his actual death, it seems rather awkward to argue for an international investigation into who killed him, and who ordered his killing.

Google Senior Executives Sidestep Senate Hearing Inquiry

Maggie Stanphill, Director of Google User Experience was representing Google at this hearing of The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet. The title of the hearing was Optimizing for Engagement: Understanding the Use of Persuasive Technology on Internet Platforms. It was to
... examine how algorithmic decision-making and machine learning on internet platforms might be influencing the public. Witnesses will provide insight on ways technology companies use algorithms and machine learning to influence outcomes, and whether algorithm transparency or algorithm explanation are appropriate policy responses.
But another story had just broken, exposing, shall we say, some inconsistencies between Google's internal presentations and its external representations. See Google Has A Big Problem. I think that says it all, really.

Stanphill's testimony, which you can read here: simply fails to address any of these issues. Principally because it's not her job to deal with this sort of shit. That's why they sent her, I suppose. They strung her up. Maggie, your employer sucks! I'll give you a job, just as soon as I can get out of this tin pot jail these fuckers have put me in. In the mean time, talk to Jony Ive. See FT's Tim Bradshaw on Jony Ive's Reasons For Leaving Apple, and tell him I suggested you talk to him, because the stuff you guys at have done has saved my life, several times over! ❤️💓💕

I almost forgot to thank Jason Bermas for the pointer!

Boeing 737 MAX Debacle Continues

This is a very detailed reproduction on a graphical flight simulator program of the Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX crash. It seems to have been produced using some data from the black box flight recorders. A significant factor in the crash is the fact that the aircraft was flying overspeed at several points.

Recently issues have been raised about the speed at which pilots can affect a recovery in certain conditions being limited by the system's overall response time to changes in trim controls.

The flight control system is made up of a large number of interoperating subsystems. This diagram shows some of those directly involved in trim adjustment, but these are not all of them.

Other links exist between the subsystems such as the Auto Throttle and the Autopilot, mediated by the Air Data Computer, which integrates Air Speed and Angle of Attack sensor data for input to the Auto Throttle, for example, which in certain modes adjusts engine thrust to maintain a constant air speed. From
The 737’s air data computer also uses angle-of-attack (AOA) information to adjust airspeed readings. If it mistakenly thinks the angle of attack is high, it can trigger pilot warnings that airspeed and altitude data are unreliable on one of the pilot’s controls, according to former Boeing engineer Peter Lemme.
In addition to these direct electronic links between subsystems there are physical couplings through the airframe, engines and control surfaces, through which the various electronic subsystems respond to and influence each other's operation. These coupling's effects are a significant factor in the pilots' everyday experience of flying the aircraft. One such example is called Pitch Coupling. From
The autothrottle is designed to operate in conjunction with the autopilot, to produce a consistent aircraft pitch under normal flight conditions.  If the autopilot is disengaged but the autothrottle remains engaged, pitch coupling may develop.
Pitch coupling is when the autothrottle system actively attempts to maintain thrust based on the pitch/attitude of the aircraft. It occurs when the autopilot is not engaged and manual inputs (pitch and roll) are used to control the aircraft.
The systemic failure in Boeing's whole engineering operation is the failure to properly integrate the design and testing of these numerous interdependent electronic and mechanical subsystems. The 737 MAX 8 MCAS failure is just one symptom of a much more fundamental problem, which very likely affects all modern aircraft  manufacturers. It's the same problem NASA engineers had with the Space Shuttle programme.

I am not going to to say any more on this while I am left starving on the street. See update here: Another Boeing 737 MAX Problem which is actually this problem, but some people seem to think that this is a software bug. See also this post which raises another issue with the 737 MAX 8. Al Jazeera Investigating the Boeing 767 crash in 1999.

Randall Carlson on Near-Earth Asteroids

A far, far greater threat to the earth is people like Elon Musk, Geoff Bezos and Martin Rees, who think that those with the most money should be the ones who decide to what use we put our limited human and material resources.

Here's Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees. He has some very quaint old-fashioned ideas about economics and the effectiveness of government regulation on earth. What he doesn't seem to understand is that we already live on Mars, as far as these things are concerned.

Samurai Code of G20

1 min 55 secs. "When the G20 first met in 2008, the goal of the leaders was to come up with a common solution to save the world economy during the crisis. But over time, thanks to certain countries, the problems have only grown in number. If we compare this to Samurai culture, instead of taking the sword and cutting the knot of economic problems, the economy performed ritual harikiri." 😂 I am not sure about this analogy. I think it was just that they didn't have the guts for harikiri, so they just sat around drinking saki and wailing and blubbing for eleven years.

Friday 28 June 2019

Interesting German Prison Reform Programme

Prison reform is going to become a very big issue everywhere!

Iman Amrani on Modern Masculinity

I feel bad for having ignored this for so long. I mean, modern masculinity is definitely a woman's problem, so I have no excuse! 😂❤️💓💕

See The Guardian Channnel.

UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer on Mainstream Media

He also explains what criteria he used to judge Assange as having been a victim of psychological torture.

See Happy International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Everybody!

Members of Hutu Militias Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity Have Some Kind of Immunity to Prosecution in France

In 25 years, only three have been prosecuted. This suggests strongly that there was something going on that some people in privileged positions in France do not want to come to light in a court case.

Su35S Shuts off and Restarts Engines in Flight

Is this some kind of stealth move? That is crazy!!!

Invisible People

This is a great little channel.

... and later ...

But this is not the way to solve these problems. We need to deal with the causes, not just treat the symptoms. And the causes are always ultimately economics. See FT Writers With A Story to Tell and Lionel Barber Asks Putin if Russia Interfered in Venezuela. But we need people to make videos like these, so that we know what the problems are; and governments need to be able to see these kinds of videos about real problems. See Putin's Direct Line Question and Answer Session Suffered Five DDoS Attacks in Four Hours. So we need secure communications, people.

Fun in China!

Wow! Climbers call this "exposure".

Lionel Barber Asks Putin if Russia Interfered in Venezuela

Interesting that Russian businesses invested billions in the Venezuelan oil industry. The current state of the economy there is so dire that they give away petrol for free, whilst there isn't enough potable water for people to drink.

See FT Editor Lionel Barber Interviews Vladimir Putin and also

Indigo Traveller's video is here

You can make a donation to help feed starving children in Venezuela here. And see also this video posted a week ago:

If anyone travelling in Bolivia wants to make a video like this here I'd be very happy to help! Get in touch! 

Kushner and Bannon Knew About the Qatar Blockade Two Days Before it Happpened

The Qatar blockade was sparked by an Internet hack into Al  Jazeera computers on 23 May 2017. But on 20 May, the same moment Trump was supposed to have been meeting in Riyadh with Arab leaders to discuss international anti-terrorism policy, Kushner and Bannon had a meeting in Washington DC with "rulers of Saudi Arabia and the UAE." Then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had no knowledge of this at the time. This explains the White House's deeply confused immediate response, where it seemed that they were unaware of the presence of the US CENTCOM anti-terrorism base in Dohar, Qatar.

Rex Tillerson was a former ExxonMobil CEO and was involved in Exxon's business in Yemen.
In 1995, he became President of Exxon Yemen Inc. and Esso Exploration and Production Khorat Inc
Tillerson approved Exxon negotiating a multibillion-dollar deal with the government of Iraqi Kurdistan, despite opposition from President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, both of whom argued it would increase regional instability.
It seems highly likely that Tillerson has close ties to Bush and The Hunt Oil Company. See Iran False Flags. So quite why Trump chose him as Secretary of State is not clear.

Putin's Direct Line Question and Answer Session Suffered Five DDoS Attacks in Four Hours

The suggestion here is that it was done by the NSA and various other Western intelligence agencies, via several very large "botnets" they have built up, thanks to the shoddy software people are forced to use. See Putin on Sovereign Internet and also Trump Asks Putin Not To Interfere in US Elections.

FT Editor Lionel Barber Interviews Vladimir Putin

I missed this yesterday, somehow. The FT are doing some pretty impressive journalism these days! ❤️

Vesti carried another question from the same interview, this time on G20 goals.

And this longer series of questions has some very interesting things to tell about earlier attempts to reduce nuclear weapons development, amongst other things.

See also Lionel Barber Asks Putin if Russia Interfered in Venezuela as well as this clip, from Russia Insight

UK Government Don't Even Bother Trying To Pretend They Give A Shit Anymore

This canned response from the Department for International Trade is amazing. They apparently didn't bother to read the claims before sending their response.

Look at some of the art produced by six to twelve year old children in Gaza to see what a sham that DIT claim is.

See also BAE and Others Spend £100 million Promoting Military Ethos in British Schools.

NSA Illegal Surveillance Continued

But the NSA can legally surveill Americans by asking British and German intelligence to do it for them. See The UK is Set To Become The First Digital Dictatorship in the Western World.

John Jordan on Russia's Readmission to the Council of Europe

Jordan says that NATO is a relic of the cold war, and the readmission of Russia to the Parliamentary Assembly makes it all the more so. NATO is now just a marketing arm of British and American defense contractors. See NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg Is Out Of His Depth.

Jony Ive Leaving Apple

Gee, I'd love to get a chance to talk to this guy about building art and design into the actual business models, rather than just using them parasitically as services.

The UK is Set To Become The First Digital Dictatorship in the Western World

Britain has access to 25% of all the Internet traffic in the world.

They're not giving up. They think they are going to be able to lock down the population, and keep their eight centuries of corruption from public exposure.

Trump Asks Putin Not To Interfere in US Elections

So that's settled, then! Let's get on to business, ...

Thursday 27 June 2019

The G20 Stakes

Look kinda high, to me, ...

We need to find a more efficient approach to sorting out the US-China interdependencies than simply fighting it out and saying afterwards "Well, what's left of the US economy is US Sovereignty, and what's left of the Chinese economy is German!" Where are the world leaders who can do a better job than this?

At 2 mins 42 seconds. What are the big investment managers adding to their portfolios? See FT Writers With A Story to Tell.

What we need are fewer christs and more saviours, even if the saviours are a bit scary. See G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion.

You Know What It Feels Like ...

.... after you had a row with your girlfriend? Imagine that feeling, but several million times worse, .... The Name of the Game. "Never mind those silly girls, ...", says Mother Russia: ❤️

See NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg is Out of His Depth, and George Galloway on G20.

Social Media Platforms Acting As Publishers

But they don't even have control over what appears on their platforms. See Globaleaks, ... You might think legislators would worry a little about these issues, but it seems they go over the heads of the average lawmaker.

White House Talking To Social Media Giants

About anti-trust and privacy issues, as well as bias. I know how you can solve this without huge legal expenses, but we need secure communications first. See Google Has A Big Problem.

George Galloway on G20

George thinks the world's leaders are all in Osaka! Wake up, George! Where are the people who know how to solve these problems without trade wars or economic sanctions? They're all in prison, George, like I am.

See G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion. And NATO's problem is EurAsEC,  isn't it? See Uzbekistan Back on the Silk Road, which is why they are so desperate to destabilise Georgia and Ukraine.

Trump in Alaska

Refuelling AF1 on the way to Osaka. I don't know if there's anything worth watching here, (see Putin on British Democracy and the Russian far East) but I think if I were in the Secret Service on Presidential guard duty, I would not stand around in a group waiting for something to happen. For example, at 12 mins 33 secs, I would go over to those refuelling tankers and watch what the staff there were actually doing. I would also be wondering why there were quite so many people wandering around on the apron. Isn't a basic operational principle of personal security that you should minimise the potential threats?

I Was About to Blow My Top

... and I saw this ad with Margaret Atwood talking about creative writing. It's great!

But I am fed up with stupid, selfish, idiotic women who just don't seem to have the slightest fucking clue about what is going on, and think mysogyney is the greatest problem faced by mankind!

Google Has A Big Problem

Leaving aside the question, though it is important, as to whether this small sample could meaningfully be claimed in some sense to represent the policies of Google as a whole, there are clearly some very, very confused people working at Google. You weren't joking, JBD, were you, when you suggested a couple of years ago that Google employ me as a corporate psychologist? Well I don't have time to do that, because you're not developing the software and infrastructure we need for secure communications. You are far too busy solving what you think are the really important problems, and your own corporate ignorance is not one of them, is it?

In a true democracy, it s not left to one group of people in a private corporation to decide what is good for everybody. That is not so hard to understand, is it? What you should be doing is providing the population with the necessary tools to enable these decisions, about what is in the best interests of the whole, to be made organically. And the single most important tool for making organic decisions is secure communications. See Blueprint For Progressive Democrats.

And look at this shit! You people need to pull yourselves together, because you are fucking up, big time!

Naomi Caravani on Chinese Intellectual Misappropriation

This shit seems a bit edgy, to me! ðŸ˜‚❤️💓💕

Wednesday 26 June 2019

FT Writers With A Story to Tell

Once upon a time, not so very long ago as all that, ... little Red Riding Hood was thinking about buying her granny's old house, deep in the dark woods, ...

This documentary Push is coming to a neighborhood near you, quicker than you might expect!

Oxford University endowed with £150 million to establish a centre for research into the ethics of Artificial Intelligence:

See AI and Art and MoneyRussian Robotics which all smell like Bill Browder and Kirill Dmitriev, to me. See MI6 Pressure on Russian Oligarchs in London and The Private Sector in Russia. And the source of these funds? Well, ultimately, people like this

... and these, ...

So, not typical Oxford Professors! See Climate Action.

High Speed Trading and Fake Data Can Be Used To Manipulate Markets

Coordinated responses to certain types of input data can be used to give certain people a means to manipulate markets through mass media. These two events show that some systems respond much more predictably than others. It seems here that New Zealand traders were not so well-coordinated as Wall St traders. So in the next financial crisis, expect heavy losses in regions where traders do not yet have enough experience to control the markets. Yes, this is all highly illegal, but the SEC are clearly in on the act, so they are not going to do anything about it.

Perhaps this should be on tthe agenda at the G20 summit starting on Friday? See G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion. International collusion in this form is illegal under United States law (Logan Act) according to this report:

Exact Location of US Drone Shot Down is a Scientific Question

Therefore is has a scientific answer, and that answer can only be esablished by scientists who are able to communicate the observations they make.

See this essay On The Difference, or Not, Between 0° and 360°, in particular the last paragraph on page eight, which starts like this:
Now consider how one could translate the time and location of an event in, say October 1962, reported by a Soviet submarine via a relay station to Moscow into the co-ordinate system used by the United States Navy. There was no GPS system at that time and the Soviet and US military each used different co-ordinate systems with different geodes to model so-called ‘spheroidal oblation’ in their maps. What empirical measurement can one make to establish the correspondence? There is no empirical measurement one can make of the relative offset between two different co-ordinate systems or geodes. As far as one is concerned, the other point may be 750 m away at a heading of 10◦, and 10 m below sea level. The other may regard the offset to be 13 feet above sea level and two miles away on a heading of 185◦. The reason such discrepancies are possible is that each system uses a different datum and they are typically thousands of km apart, and one cannot make any empirical measurement at two different locations at the same time. ...
At 32 seconds, UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan "... the evidence has to be clear, precise and scientific, ..."

See Persepolis and the Persian Empire. See also:

.... and Michael Maloof on Iranian Hostilities.

Putin on British Democracy and the Russian far East

He thinks it a bit weird, but is willing to work constructively with any head of state whom the Conservative Party elect. He also talks about Russia's plans to develop the far East and the Arctic.

For more on the Russian far East, see this report on some surprisingly deep ties between people in Western Alaska and Russians in Chukotka: Russian WWII airmen buried in Alaskan cemeteries, and indigenous Tlingit people offering Orthodox prayers in their native language.

Inland Waterways Development in Tver Oblast

It will soon be possible for tourists to travel in small boats from Moscow to the Caspian Sea! See Putin in AstrakhanThe Volga and Agriculture and Industry Around Nizhny Novgorod.

Thank you Russia! That's a much better birthday present than the Glorious Revolution!

Happy International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Everybody!

😂 See International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.

See Andrés Lima salda "una deuda personal" con 'Shock' sobre el neoliberalismo y Pinochet en forma de teatro documental
En este sentido, para Lima la obra es "una deuda personal por contar" el momento en el que Augusto Pinochet asciende al poder. "Quería que estos hechos pasaran al escenario en forma de emoción y que la gente sienta qué sucedió en la Casa de la Moneda el 11 de septiembre de 1973, entender cómo se dan las conversaciones entre Kissinger y Nixon para planear el golpe de Estado", ha añadido Lima, a quien el tema le ha rondado la cabeza desde los 15 años, cuando le impactó el asesinato del músico comunista Víctor Jara.
Recuerdo bien el golpe de Estado porque en la época de transición se adquiría una conciencia política muy temprana y me impresionó aquella intervención militar, la tortura y muerte de Jara", ha indicado.
From Victor Jara
After the coup, Pinochet’s soldiers rounded up Chileans who were believed to be involved with leftist groups, including Allende’s Popular Unity party. On the morning of 12 September 1973, Jara was taken prisoner, along with thousands of others, and interned in Chile Stadium. The guards there tortured him, smashing his hands and fingers, and then mocked him by asking him to play the guitar. Soon after, he was killed with a gunshot to the head, and his body was riddled with more than 40 bullets.
See also Heinz Buttkissinger, and for another 30,000 people massacred as a direct result of Kissinger's treacherous "diplomacy", see Kissinger's Diplomacy in Rhodesia.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Zimbabwe Tobacco Auctions in The Year 2000

In 2000 Zimbabwe produced one third of all the tobacco consumed worldwide. All of it was sold in auctions like this.

And it is the considerable foreign exchange produced by this export crop which allowed Rhodesia, in the 1960s and '70s, to achieve a level of economic self-sufficiency as good as that of any country in Africa, including South Africa. This is the wealth that lay behind the lifestyles of the middle-class white population you see here. At the time this was filmed, the only issue the press were interested in was black-white inequality. See Kissinger's Diplomacy in Rhodesia.

Heaviest Shelling in Donbass Since 2015

Some ceasefire that turned out to be! I think somebody is very worried about something the people in the DPR know.

Or  perhaps it can be excused as exuberance, because now they will have no shortage of armaments and ammunition for the foreseeable future, especially if Joe Biden becomes US President. This is what Biden plans for Georgia, too.

Michael Carpenter Suspected of Involvement in Fomenting Anti-Russian Sentiment in Georgia

Carpenter is an advisor to neocon Presidential Candidate Joe Biden. Joe Biden is suspected of having been involved in similar activities in Ukraine in 2014. See Lee Camp Laying into Joe Biden.

On December 8, 2015, Biden spoke in Ukraine's parliament in Kiev in one of his many visits to set USA aid and policy stance for Ukraine.

See also this recent update, "round 2. Ding!" 😂

And on Biden's son Hunter and the latter's Ukrainian enwrgy interests, see Lee Stranahan on Joe Biden's Son Hunter And His Ukrainian Energy Interests.

G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion

For the Knights of St. John, the Christ Makers (see Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg) show us that you too, "triumph at all times, even in deepest humiliation".

And for your last night disco, you could do worse than Deep Purple, Burn:

People who think Greta Thunberg is a pawn being manipulated by globalist corporate interests are taking an utterly ridiculous posture that they are going to have to try to support, and that will make them seem all the more ludicrous. Where will this end?

We can take our responsibilities as the only sapient species seriously, and start learning how to make the earth a better place for all forms of life, but in order to do that we need to rid ourselves of the rigid restrictions on economic and technological developent which prevent industry and society developing the capacity to adapt efficiently to changing conditions. The most important and dynamic of all conditions being the state of actual human knowledge. See Climate Action.

This requires nothing short of a revolution in higher education

UK Home Office Paralysed by Incompetence

So it's not only the Foreign Commonwealth Office that is paralysed by its internal contradictions. Theresa May on "burning injustices": the woman is a useless fucking idiot!

Yanghee Lee on Why Universal Access to Secure Communications is a Fundamental Human Right

Lee is the UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar. The government has cut off Internet and cellphone access is certain regions, which means that the population there have no way to let anyone outside know what is actually happening there.

So the senior executives of so-called "tech giants" should be very clear that by denying people like me the rights to develop secure communications technology for all, they are complicit in massive, gross abuses of human rights all over the world, which have resulted in the deaths of millions.

Russian Military Exercises in the South and East

This is a three-day exercise, testing their ability to rapidly mobilise forces.

Includes the Caspian Sea flotilla.

I presume it's not this sort of hostile action that they're preparing for.

Monday 24 June 2019

Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg

Mentions its origins in 12th Century Europe and the "Venetian Black Nobility". Mainly seems to be various groups of arse-bandits on horseback, wearing tights.

Estulin says there are none in China or Russia, but that seems very unlikely: they are everywhere like a plague of fucking rats. See British Empire in China and Russian tradition of the Knights Hospitaller. See also, as well as and This is where you look if you want to find out about Wellington's deal with Napoleon after Waterloo, and numerous other gross injustices commited over fucking centuries of corruption:

At 2 mins 30 secs Estulin says that Iran is not a real issue, but that is very unlikely. Iran was effectively a colony run by Burmah Oil Company, or Anglo Persian Oil Company, until Mossadeq's election, but in the 1953 coup d'etat when the Shah of Iran took control the arse-bandits on horseback got a foothold there too. The Shah regarded himself as being the latter-day king of the Persian Empire, see Persepolis and the Persian Empire .

The MEK have turned about like a playground roundabout. From this November 2018 Guardian article Terrorists, cultists – or champions of Iranian democracy? The wild wild story of the MEK:
Widely regarded as a cult, the MEK was once designated as a terrorist organisation by the US and UK, but its opposition to the Iranian government has now earned it the support of powerful hawks in the Trump administration, including national security adviser John Bolton and the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo.
The MEK grew out of Iran’s Liberation Movement, an Islamic-democratic “loyal opposition” established in 1961 by the supporters of Mohammad Mossadegh, the prime minister ousted in a 1953 coup orchestrated by Britain and the US. The movement called for national sovereignty, freedom of political activity and the separation of mosque and state
 Of the 11 members of the MEK central committee tried in 1972, nine were immediately executed and one remained in jail. When Rajavi emerged from prison in 1979, three weeks before the Iranian revolution, he was the undisputed leader of Iran’s most deadly underground rebel group.
The MEK played an important role in the 1979 revolution, seizing the imperial palace and doing much of the fighting to neutralise the police and the army. Two days after the revolution, Massoud Rajavi, who was 30, met the 77-year-old supreme leader. The two did not hit it off. “I met Khomeini,” Rajavi told a journalist in 1981. “He held out his hand for me to kiss, and I refused. Since then, we’ve been enemies.”
What is the solution? Education.

But disobedience does not mean putting oneself above the law:

Ethiopian Coup Attempt

Suggestions that this recent coup attempt was connected to a 2009 plot.

From this DW report: Ethiopia: What we know so far about the 'foiled coup':
The now deceased General Asaminew Tsige, on the other hand, who the government believes was behind the attack had more reasons to be thankful to Abiy than to attack his government. In a wave of prisoner releases by Abiy, Asaminew was set free after nine years in prison and had now served as the head of the Amhara region's security forces. Former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi had arrested the former Brigadier General in the Ethiopian airforce for allegedly planning a coup in 2009.
Back in 2009 allegations were made that a coup was plotted by an Ethopian-American Economics Professor. From this NY Post article of April 2009: Ethiopia: PA Prof Led Coup Plot
The Ethiopian government has arrested 35 people suspected of a coup attempt allegedly backed by an Ethiopian-American economist now teaching at a Pennsylvania university, an Ethiopian government spokesman said Saturday.
From this Reuters Blog post dated May 2009 What is the truth behind Ethiopia’s “coup” plot?
The story broke two weeks ago when the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said 40 men had been arrested for planning a coup after police found guns, bombs and “written strategies” at their homes. But a few days later the government communication office was asking journalists not to use the word coup anymore. The “desperados”, they said, had planned to “overthrow” the government by using assassinations and bombings to create enough chaos to get supporters on the streets to topple the government.
Sounds like a CIA S.A.D. recycled game plan, to me, ....  See Attempted Coup in Ethopia.

Pompeo on the Scale of Human Development

First listen to Pompeo on Iran

Then ask yourself: "Where does he lie on this timeline of the development of civilized human beings?"

Then I think it will become abundantly clear just what is the magnitude of the problem America presents us with today. See Persepolis and the Persian Empire.

China's Assistant Foreign Minister Apparently Controls G20 Agenda

From China Will Not Allow G20 to Discuss Hong Kong Says Foreign Minister
China has said it will not allow the G20 nations to discuss the Hong Kong issue at its summit this week, assistant foreign minister Zhang Jun said on Monday.

Agriculture and Industry Around Nizhny Novgorod

I think will make even French people feel envious! What a beautiful place.