
Tuesday 25 June 2019

G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion

For the Knights of St. John, the Christ Makers (see Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg) show us that you too, "triumph at all times, even in deepest humiliation".

And for your last night disco, you could do worse than Deep Purple, Burn:

People who think Greta Thunberg is a pawn being manipulated by globalist corporate interests are taking an utterly ridiculous posture that they are going to have to try to support, and that will make them seem all the more ludicrous. Where will this end?

We can take our responsibilities as the only sapient species seriously, and start learning how to make the earth a better place for all forms of life, but in order to do that we need to rid ourselves of the rigid restrictions on economic and technological developent which prevent industry and society developing the capacity to adapt efficiently to changing conditions. The most important and dynamic of all conditions being the state of actual human knowledge. See Climate Action.

This requires nothing short of a revolution in higher education

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