
Thursday 27 June 2019

Google Has A Big Problem

Leaving aside the question, though it is important, as to whether this small sample could meaningfully be claimed in some sense to represent the policies of Google as a whole, there are clearly some very, very confused people working at Google. You weren't joking, JBD, were you, when you suggested a couple of years ago that Google employ me as a corporate psychologist? Well I don't have time to do that, because you're not developing the software and infrastructure we need for secure communications. You are far too busy solving what you think are the really important problems, and your own corporate ignorance is not one of them, is it?

In a true democracy, it s not left to one group of people in a private corporation to decide what is good for everybody. That is not so hard to understand, is it? What you should be doing is providing the population with the necessary tools to enable these decisions, about what is in the best interests of the whole, to be made organically. And the single most important tool for making organic decisions is secure communications. See Blueprint For Progressive Democrats.

And look at this shit! You people need to pull yourselves together, because you are fucking up, big time!

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