
Monday 24 June 2019

Ethiopian Coup Attempt

Suggestions that this recent coup attempt was connected to a 2009 plot.

From this DW report: Ethiopia: What we know so far about the 'foiled coup':
The now deceased General Asaminew Tsige, on the other hand, who the government believes was behind the attack had more reasons to be thankful to Abiy than to attack his government. In a wave of prisoner releases by Abiy, Asaminew was set free after nine years in prison and had now served as the head of the Amhara region's security forces. Former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi had arrested the former Brigadier General in the Ethiopian airforce for allegedly planning a coup in 2009.
Back in 2009 allegations were made that a coup was plotted by an Ethopian-American Economics Professor. From this NY Post article of April 2009: Ethiopia: PA Prof Led Coup Plot
The Ethiopian government has arrested 35 people suspected of a coup attempt allegedly backed by an Ethiopian-American economist now teaching at a Pennsylvania university, an Ethiopian government spokesman said Saturday.
From this Reuters Blog post dated May 2009 What is the truth behind Ethiopia’s “coup” plot?
The story broke two weeks ago when the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said 40 men had been arrested for planning a coup after police found guns, bombs and “written strategies” at their homes. But a few days later the government communication office was asking journalists not to use the word coup anymore. The “desperados”, they said, had planned to “overthrow” the government by using assassinations and bombings to create enough chaos to get supporters on the streets to topple the government.
Sounds like a CIA S.A.D. recycled game plan, to me, ....  See Attempted Coup in Ethopia.

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