Sunday 14 April 2019

Who Are the Real Heroes?

Vivienne Westwood says Julian Assange told the world about American war crimes. Well, the world knew about American crimes for quite a while before Assange came on the scene. It also knew about British war crimes. And human rights abuses? Oh, never in Britain before! Never!

Nor in America, ...

Nor Russia, ...

But we don't talk about this! No, because the welfare of Julian Assange is far more important. If you could just save poor Julian, then we could all go back to normal again, couldn't we?

You know what I think? I think you have all been driven insane by guilt. Guilt so apalling that it utterly overwhelms you and leaves you incapable of rational thought. You need help, but you can't admit this, because that would mean facing up to the reality of who and what you really are. And your doing that is so inconceivable, to you, that you would rather the whole world perish first. So that's what all you deranged fucks are trying to bring about as soon as humanly possible. Well, I have some news for you: it's not going to happen. So pull yourselves together and start behaving like human beings rather than demented monkeys on acid.

Hey Jules, try a heavier board. You can't ride the nose on that fucken thing!

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