Tuesday 16 April 2019


Jason Bermas on the CIA's experiments with Psilocybin.

They used Psilocybin in Hollywood in 1968 to make movies about God, according to this piece in the New Yorker! 😂❤️💓💕 On the making of Kubrick's 2001:

For the final section of the film, “Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite,” Ordway, the film’s scientific consultant, read up on a doctoral thesis on psychedelics advised by Timothy Leary. Theology students had taken psilocybin, then attended a service at Boston University’s Marsh Chapel to see if they’d be hit with religious revelations. They dutifully reported their findings: most of the participants had indeed touched God. Such wide-ranging research was characteristic of Clarke and Kubrick’s approach, although the two men, both self-professed squares, might have saved time had they been willing to try hallucinogens themselves.

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