Tuesday 9 April 2019

On Zionist Prophesy

OK, so I'm changing my name to Sillyman Rushedin. But only because God seems to have told Benjamin Netanyahu to sacrifice himself! And Bibi said "Sure thing, God!" and so now he's lying on the altar waiting for a halal butcher to come along and do the job properly, but nobody wants to be that man! πŸ˜‚ Now I've heard a few minutes of this guy speaking, and he's evidently sincere and has something important to say. But I am out of my depth when it comes to Zionism. I barely know what it is! But I did get so far as to read about the Book of Asaia (?!) (Chapter 61), and there heard about the unidentified Q source, for the first time. It seems as though Luke and Matthew were written independently, with one known text as a source, and another unknown text, presumably lost. And I just thought that this sounds like a similar problem that Muslim theologians face with the so-called Satanic Verses. The Prophet Mohammed was similarly said by some, to have been tempted by the devil, and wrote about three "Marias". I have not personally read 5he (sp) Satanic Verses, so I don't know what was supposed to have been written there. I mention this, because assuming the existence of actual texts can lead to unresolvable disputes, if one or other of the disputants believes the texts to actually be in the posession of someone else. But there is another possibility, which is that the source, though it may appear, because of its definiteness, to have been copied from another extant text, is in fact a product of psychic communication, and that there was an unknown third party which connected the two authors and was the common cause of their writing. This is why theology, in any religion, is a minefield! So someone should see whether there are any formal correspondences between Luke 61 and what was supposed to have been written in the Satanic Verses. Just an idea, and I hope we can come up with a sheep for Bibi, we have two hours to do it.

Sounds like some Aboriginals have it all figured out already!

So Bibi got horse riding lessons from the Russian Police too! ❤️πŸ’“πŸ’• But don't worry, Bibi, Loyd's of London have your ass! πŸ˜‚

To me, this sounds like the script for Israel's election was written by a comedienne who has trouble distinguishing between an Israeli and an Arab! "Whatever happens on Tuesday's election, Gantz and Netanyahu might be secretly planning for a national-unity government". I wonder if she's a Catholic? πŸ˜‚

And I thought this headline sounded promising: "Israel Election 2019: Gantz Proves There Is an Alternative to Netanyahu" but that doesn't mean some jokerette actually came up with a formal structure that achieved the same result, regardless of who wins. All it says is "Although Tuesday night's exit polls are inconclusive about who will be next PM, there are several clear conclusions about both Bibi and his supporters, ..."

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